I'm trying to make a customization to the user profile page, specifically to the Profile Status box that shows the user's name and status at the top. I found HTML in the core files matching the code on the page at this location: /application/modules/User/widgets/profile-status/index.tpl
However, I edited that file and nothing changed on the live site. Can someone please direct me to where I can edit the code such that it is executed on the page? I've looked everywhere and can't find it.
Editing source files is not advised. It's best to work without source edits as those get overwritten on upgrades and are not supported by SE. Perhaps if you provide details on what you want to edit specifically, more help can be given.
Thank you for the warning. I understand that source edits are not advised, but I have looked and it is the only way to accomplish several changes I need to make.
I am working on this section of the member profile page: https://prnt.sc/oytmwq
I have already changed it so that it defaults to using the username instead of the user's actual name. However, I want to make it so that the user's name is shown underneath the username (and possibly add the location here too). Here's a mockup: https://prnt.sc/oytwjs
When you are working, I assume a local dev site, are you having the site in development mode? If so, and here's a tip, I've found that sometimes development mode can still hide changes. Disable development mode and clear cache a few times. See if changes show up. Note that I am not looking at the code atm to know if that's where you need to edit but just giving some tips.
Thanks for the tip, but unfortunately that still didn't work.
Ok my husband had emergency surgery yesterday as he almost died. So, I'm looking after him as they sent him home after the surgery. I will see if I can stay awake long enough after work to try to help with this. If not, and if I don't answer later today, would you please private message me to remember to look at this?
I am so sorry to hear about your husband! I will be praying for his swift recovery.
I managed to find what I was looking for. There are evidently two different widgets that utilize the same code. I was editing the wrong one. The file I was looking for was here: /application/modules/User/views/scripts/coverphoto/get-main-photo.tpl
Thank you for trying to assist me with this!
Thank you!
That's great that you found the issue and also that you posted the solution. It can be very helpful for others who might be looking for the same thing.
One tip, you might want to check our development documentation and make your own plugin for this. That way, you don't have source edits and don't have to worry for upgrades. If you think you want to try, just don't put a SKU since it would only be for your site and not for the store. You can even check my tutorial here, http://kb.scripttechs.com/creating-a-socialengine-widget/ if the developer docs don't help as I go through all the steps of creating a plugin widget. That's what I do for my own site too as I wanted to change some things in the forum widgets so I made my own versions of those in order to avoid source edits on that site.
Thank you so much for the tip Donna, that's a great one! I did not realize that you could make your own plugins. I will definitely try that out! And I appreciate the guide too.