We are pleased to announce the release of SocialEngine PHP 5.8.0! This release adds a new feature, improvements and addresses bugs posted by members of our community and staff.
The following is a list of fixes and improvements in this release:
This plugin has Recent Listings and Popular Listings widgets. The Popular listings widget has a choice of Likes or Views for criteria. Both the Recent and Popular listing widgets have a selection for horizontal or vertical alignment.
Viewing a travel listing shows multiple screenshots, the location and map, price and other info.
Default image, if the user doesn’t upload an image for their listing, is a FontAwesome icon. This reduces the load as the default image png is no longer needed.
A complete changelog is available for more details about the changes and fixes implemented in this 5.8.0 release. Please view our demo of v5 and explore the new features!
As always we highly encourage all users to do a complete backup of both files and database before performing this upgrade. Please have the backup performed by your host or a developer if you’re not comfortable with performing it yourself. Always check with third party experts for compatibility with any products you use before upgrading.
Important: If you are on version 4.9.4p1 or below, you will need to follow the special steps in the upgrading documents linked below before upgrading and applying the patch mentioned.
You can download your copy of version 5.8.0 from our new client dashboard. For clients still using v4 of the SocialEngine PHP platform, you would need to first purchase the v5 upgrade in order to access the latest version. If you hadn’t requested to be moved to our new dashboard, please contact us.
Fresh installs should follow our installation tutorial or you can order an installation ticket and our team will get it installed in no time! To upgrade from a previous version to 5.8.0, please view our upgrade documentation.
If you find any issues with this release, please let us know by filing a bug report in our Bug Tracker. We’d also like to encourage you to stay connected with the community.
With Great Appreciation,
The SocialEngine Team
We released a small patch for a bug in Classifieds and Travel plugins. If you have already upgraded to 5.8 or installed fresh, you only need to download the Travel and Classified 5.8.1 and upgrade those. Changelog is here, https://socialengine.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SU/pages/1628962817/SocialEngine+PHP+5.8.0+5.8.1+Change+Log
Our community is running 5.8! No issues seen thus far.
We released another small fix for the blog plugin. It is available in the client downloads, blog 5.8.2. This is the only thing you need to update if you are already on 5.8.0. Changelog is https://socialengine.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SU/pages/1628962817/SocialEngine+PHP+5.8.0+-+5.8.2+Change+Log
Donna, I am trying to update to 5.8.2. from 5.6.0. I clicked on the client dashboard link that you provided above, but this is what I'm seeing:
I've tried clicking around, but haven't found anything that looks like the 5.8.2 download. Where do I go from here? In the past I haven't had a problem locating the file(s), but I'm not seeing it now. Thank you in advance for your help!
I had no problem clicking your license in your account and viewing the downloads. Can you please try clearing browser cache?
Didn't even have to do that, Donna. I just hadn't clicked on the license section of my account - I didn't know that's where the downloads were.
I'm good to go now. Thank you very much!