
Profile questions for SE Techs

Sorry for so many posts. I prefer to see the item's photos at the top of the listing. It seems weird to have them at the bottom. Or, have them to the left or right of the listing. Amazon puts the images to the left. We have things to improve lol. We will...  more

Ad Campaigns

Hei Folks.
Im trying to play with ad campaigns.
I have noticed that the photos are very big. Too big for columns they will be placed in.
Question: How can i make the image size...  more

Latest (Photo) Albums Plugin

Hi all
I think the latest Album plugin upgrade (I show Albums 5.2.0 in Admin Panel) was to allow Admins to set default setting of NEWEST for all displays of photos and/or album displays. Where is that setting at after upgrade?
When I opened an...  more