SocialEngine 6.7.0 Change Log

  • The following are updated with this release. 

    • SocialEngine PHP Core
    • Blog
    • Business
    • Classified
    • Employment
    • Event
    • Group
    • Music
    • Photo Album
    • Poll
    • Travel
    • Video
    • Mobile Apps
    • Inspira
    • Warning Pages


    List of Changed Files:

    • application/index.php
      • A user should not log out after closing browser
    • application/languages/en/album.csv
      • Hide Network Settings from Create and Edit forms when there is no network in admin panel
    • application/languages/en/bizlist.csv
      • Hide Network Settings from Create and Edit forms when there is no network in admin panel
    • application/languages/en/blog.csv
      • Hide Network Settings from Create and Edit forms when there is no network in admin panel
    • application/languages/en/classified.csv
      • Hide Network Settings from Create and Edit forms when there is no network in admin panel
    • application/languages/en/core.csv
      • Change Twitter to X in SE.
    • application/languages/en/employment.csv
      • Hide Network Settings from Create and Edit forms when there is no network in admin panel
    • application/languages/en/event.csv
      • Hide Network Settings from Create and Edit forms when there is no network in admin panel
    • application/languages/en/group.csv
      • Hide Network Settings from Create and Edit forms when there is no network in admin panel
    • application/languages/en/inspira.csv
      • Change Twitter to X in SE
    • application/languages/en/music.csv
      • Hide Network Settings from Create and Edit forms when there is no network in admin panel
    • application/languages/en/network.csv
      • Text Updated.
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/languages/en/payment.csv
      • Add notification texts in Payment.csv
    • application/languages/en/poll.csv
      • Hide Network Settings from Create and Edit forms when there is no network in admin panel
    • application/languages/en/travel.csv
      • Hide Network Settings from Create and Edit forms when there is no network in admin panel
    • application/languages/en/user.csv
      • Sign Up text updated.
      • We need to show the test phone number and code fields on the OTP settings page
      • Change Twitter to X in SE
      • Revert Signup Process and provide signup steps again
      • Create Setting in Member Level for Allowing Editor or not in Messages
      • We had 1 setting in Member Level Settings which were removed, re develop it
      • Change Twitter to X in SE.
    • application/languages/en/video.csv
      • Hide Network Settings from Create and Edit forms when there is no network in admin panel
    • application/languages/en/warning.csv
      • Admin login is not working in coming soon page.
    • application/modules/Core/Api/Core.php
      • Sign up is not working with ReCaptcha.
    • application/modules/Core/Form/Admin/Ads/Create.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Core/Form/Admin/Seo/Schema.php
      • Change Twitter to X in SE.
    • application/modules/Core/Form/Admin/Settings/General.php
      • Move Static File Base URL setting to the Performance & Caching.
    • application/modules/Core/Form/Admin/Settings/Performance.php
      • Move Static File Base URL setting to the Performance & Caching.
    • application/modules/Core/Model/DbTable/Countries.php
      • Put back Canada country in OTP settings
    • application/modules/Core/Model/DbTable/Languages.php
      • Disabled language is showing on sign up page.
    • application/modules/Core/Model/DbTable/Notificationrecipients.php
      • Video is not converted using cron
    • application/modules/Core/controllers/AdminIndexController.php
      • Disabled language is showing on sign up page.
      • Signup Language & User import issue
    • application/modules/Core/controllers/AdminSettingsController.php
      • Sign up is not working with ReCaptcha.
      • Move Static File Base URL setting to the Performance & Caching.
    • application/modules/Core/controllers/ErrorController.php
      • Admin login is not working in coming soon page.
    • application/modules/Core/controllers/IndexController.php
      • All messages are getting removed
    • application/modules/Core/controllers/OtpController.php
      • Put back Canada country in OTP settings
    • application/modules/Core/externals/styles/admin/main.css
      • Admin Signup Process UI
      • Manage Currencies page is not showing fine.
      • Manage Photos page is not looking good.
    • application/modules/Core/settings/install.php
      • Admin login is not working in coming soon page.
    • application/modules/Core/settings/my-upgrade-6.6.0-6.7.0.sql
      • Missing Country added again
      • Hide Network Settings from Create and Edit forms when there is no network in admin panel
      • Change Twitter to X in SE.
    • application/modules/Core/settings/my.sql
      • Missing Country added again
      • Hide Network Settings from Create and Edit forms when there is no network in admin panel
      • Change Twitter to X in SE.
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Core/views/scripts/admin-index/index.tpl
      • Disabled language is showing on sign up page.
    • application/modules/Core/views/scripts/error/requireuser.tpl
      • Admin login is not working in coming soon page
    • application/modules/Core/widgets/admin-menu-main/index.tpl
      • If OTP setting is disabled then hide manage & send message option.
    • application/modules/Core/widgets/landing-page-features/index.tpl
      • Image and Icons are not showing
    • application/modules/Core/widgets/menu-mini/index.tpl
      • All messages are getting removed
    • application/modules/Core/widgets/parallax/index.tpl
      • Image and Icons are not showing
    • application/modules/Core/widgets/statistics/index.tpl
      • Friends counts are showing
    • install/controllers/InstallController.php
      • Disabled language is showing on sign up page.

    Activity 6.7.0

    • application/modules/Activity/Form/Admin/Settings/General.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Activity/Form/Comment.php
      • Comment button is not working
    • application/modules/Activity/Form/EditPost.php
      • Network work
    • application/modules/Activity/Form/Share.php
      • Change Twitter to X in SE.
    • application/modules/Activity/Model/DbTable/Notifications.php
      • Admin login is not working in coming soon page
      • Video is not converted using cron
    • application/modules/Activity/View/Helper/GetActionContent.php
      • Signup Language & User import issue
    • application/modules/Activity/widgets/feed/Controller.php
      • We had 1 setting in Member Level Settings which were removed, re develop it
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Activity/widgets/feed/index.tpl
      • Network work

    Album 6.7.0

    • application/modules/Album/Form/Admin/Settings/Level.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Album/Form/Album.php
      • Hide Network Settings from Create and Edit forms when there is no network in admin panel
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Album/Form/Album/Edit.php
      • Hide Network Settings from Create and Edit forms when there is no network in admin panel
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Album/controllers/AlbumController.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Album/controllers/PhotoController.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Album/views/scripts/admin-manage-photos/index.tpl
      • Manage Photos page is not looking good.

    Announcement 6.7.0

    • application/modules/Announcement/Form/Admin/Create.php
      • Hide Network Settings from Create and Edit forms when there is no network in admin panel
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Announcement/Form/Admin/Edit.php
      • Hide Network Settings from Create and Edit forms when there is no network in admin panel
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings

    Authorization 6.7.0

    • application/modules/Authorization/Form/Admin/Level/Edit.php
      • Create Setting in Member Level for Allowing Editor or not in Messages
      • We had 1 setting in Member Level Settings which were removed, re develop it
    • application/modules/Authorization/controllers/AdminLevelController.php
      • Create Setting in Member Level for Allowing Editor or not in Messages
    • application/modules/Authorization/views/scripts/admin-level/edit.tpl
      • Create Setting in Member Level for Allowing Editor or not in Messages

    Bizlist 6.7.0

    • application/modules/Bizlist/Form/Admin/Settings/Level.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Bizlist/Form/Create.php
      • Hide Network Settings from Create and Edit forms when there is no network in admin panel
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Bizlist/controllers/IndexController.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings

    Blog 6.7.0

    • application/modules/Blog/Form/Admin/Settings/Level.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Blog/Form/Create.php
      • Hide Network Settings from Create and Edit forms when there is no network in admin panel
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Blog/controllers/IndexController.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings

    Classified 6.7.0

    • application/modules/Classified/Form/Admin/Settings/Level.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Classified/Form/Create.php
      • Hide Network Settings from Create and Edit forms when there is no network in admin panel
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Classified/controllers/IndexController.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings

    Employment 6.7.0

    • application/modules/Employment/Form/Admin/Settings/Level.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Employment/Form/Create.php
      • Hide Network Settings from Create and Edit forms when there is no network in admin panel
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Employment/controllers/IndexController.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings

    Event 6.7.0

    • application/modules/Event/Form/Admin/Settings/Level.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Event/Form/Create.php
      • Hide Network Settings from Create and Edit forms when there is no network in admin panel
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Event/Form/Edit.php
      • Hide Network Settings from Create and Edit forms when there is no network in admin panel
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Event/controllers/EventController.php
      • fixed issue when categories deleted from admin panel
    • application/modules/Event/controllers/IndexController.php
      • fixed category issue
      • fixed issue when categories deleted from admin panel
    • application/modules/Event/controllers/ProfileController.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings

    Fields 6.7.0

    • application/modules/Fields/Api/Core.php
      • Edit profile work for fields
    • application/modules/Fields/Form/Admin/Field.php
      • Revert Signup Process and provide signup steps again
    • application/modules/Fields/Form/Standard.php
      • Revert Signup Process and provide signup steps again
    • application/modules/Fields/settings/fields.php
      • Change Twitter to X in SE.

    Group 6.7.0

    • application/modules/Group/Form/Admin/Settings/Level.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Group/Form/Create.php
      • Hide Network Settings from Create and Edit forms when there is no network in admin panel
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Group/Form/Edit.php
      • Hide Network Settings from Create and Edit forms when there is no network in admin panel
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Group/controllers/GroupController.php
      • fixed category issue
      • fixed issue when categories deleted from admin panel
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Group/controllers/IndexController.php
      • fixed issue when categories deleted from admin panel
    • application/modules/Group/controllers/ProfileController.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Group/widgets/browse-search/Controller.php
      • fixed category issue

    Inspira 6.7.0

    • application/modules/Inspira/widgets/landing-page-main/index.tpl
      • Change Twitter to X in SE.

    Invite 6.7.0

    • application/modules/Invite/Form/Admin/Manage/Filter.php
      • We need to add phone number field on the Manage Invites / Referrals page.
    • application/modules/Invite/Form/Invite/Filter.php
      • We need to add phone number field on the Manage Invites / Referrals page.
    • application/modules/Invite/controllers/AdminManageController.php
      • We need to add phone number field on the Manage Invites / Referrals page.
    • application/modules/Invite/controllers/SettingsController.php
      • We need to add phone number field on the Manage Invites / Referrals page.
    • application/modules/Invite/externals/styles/main.css
      • Ui Fix Invite page
      • Ui Fix Themes Issue
    • application/modules/Invite/views/scripts/_csvimport.tpl
      • Change Twitter to X in SE.
    • application/modules/Invite/views/scripts/admin-manage/index.tpl
      • We need to add phone number field on the Manage Invites / Referrals page.
    • application/modules/Invite/views/scripts/settings/manage-invites.tpl
      • We need to add phone number field on the Manage Invites / Referrals page.

    Messages 6.7.0

    • application/modules/Messages/externals/styles/main.css
      • Change Twitter to X in SE.
    • application/modules/Messages/views/scripts/messages/inbox.tpl
      • Check All button is not working fine.

    Music 6.7.0

    • application/modules/Music/Form/Admin/Settings/Level.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Music/Form/Create.php
      • Hide Network Settings from Create and Edit forms when there is no network in admin panel
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Music/Form/Edit.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Music/controllers/PlaylistController.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings

    Network 6.7.0

    • application/modules/Network/Form/Admin/Global.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Network/controllers/AdminManageController.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Network/settings/my.sql
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Network/views/scripts/admin-manage/index.tpl
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Network/views/scripts/admin-manage/settings.tpl
      • Ui Fix Network Page
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings

    Payment 6.7.0

    • application/modules/Payment/Plugin/Gateway/Stripe.php
      • Stripe Payment status is showing active without making payment.
    • application/modules/Payment/views/scripts/admin-settings/currency.tpl
      • Manage Currencies page is not showing fine.

    Poll 6.7.0

    • application/modules/Poll/Form/Admin/Settings/Level.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Poll/Form/Create.php
      • Hide Network Settings from Create and Edit forms when there is no network in admin panel
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Poll/controllers/PollController.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings

    Sesapi 6.7.0

    • application/modules/Sesapi/controllers/Activity/IndexController.php
      • We had 1 setting in Member Level Settings which were removed, re develop it
    • application/modules/Sesapi/controllers/Classified/IndexController.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Sesapi/controllers/Event/IndexController.php
      • fixed category issue
      • fixed issue when categories deleted from admin panel
    • application/modules/Sesapi/controllers/Event/ProfileController.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Sesapi/controllers/Group/IndexController.php
      • fixed category issue
      • fixed issue when categories deleted from admin panel
    • application/modules/Sesapi/controllers/Group/ProfileController.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Sesapi/controllers/IndexController.php
      • Change Twitter to X in SE.
    • application/modules/Sesapi/controllers/Poll/IndexController.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Sesapi/controllers/User/AuthController.php
      • Login and Sign up issues in App
    • application/modules/Sesapi/controllers/User/IndexController.php
      • Login and Sign up issues in App
    • application/modules/Sesapi/controllers/Video/IndexController.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings

    Travel 6.7.0

    • application/modules/Travel/Form/Admin/Settings/Level.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Travel/Form/Create.php
      • Hide Network Settings from Create and Edit forms when there is no network in admin panel
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Travel/controllers/IndexController.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings

    User 6.7.0

    • application/modules/User/Api/Core.php
      • telegram login
    • application/modules/User/Form/Admin/Manage/AddNewUser.php
      • Signup setting applied
      • Revert Signup Process and provide signup steps again
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/User/Form/Admin/Manage/Edit.php
      • Network issue solved
      • Revert Signup Process and provide signup steps again
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/User/Form/Admin/Manage/Filter.php
      • Revert Signup Process and provide signup steps again
    • application/modules/User/Form/Admin/Manage/ImportUser.php
      • Network issue solved
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/User/Form/Admin/Otp/Global.php
      • We need to show the test phone number and code fields on the OTP settings page
    • application/modules/User/Form/Admin/Settings/Telegram.php
      • translate work
      • telegram login
    • application/modules/User/Form/Admin/Signup/Account.php
      • Revert Signup Process and provide signup steps again
    • application/modules/User/Form/Admin/SocialShare.php
      • Change Twitter to X in SE.
    • application/modules/User/Form/Admin/Twitter.php
      • Change Twitter to X in SE.
    • application/modules/User/Form/Login.php
      • telegram login added on login page
      • Login and Sign up issues in App
    • application/modules/User/Form/Search.php
      • Revert Signup Process and provide signup steps again
    • application/modules/User/Form/Settings/General.php
      • Change Twitter to X in SE.
    • application/modules/User/Form/Signup/Account.php
      • telegram UI work
      • Revert Signup Process and provide signup steps again
      • Disabled language is showing on sign up page.
      • Login and Sign up issues in App
    • application/modules/User/Model/DbTable/Telegram.php
      • fixed error message
      • telegram login
    • application/modules/User/Model/DbTable/Twitter.php
      • Change Twitter to X in SE
    • application/modules/User/Plugin/Core.php
      • telegram login
    • application/modules/User/Plugin/Menus.php
      • Hide Network Settings from Create and Edit forms when there is no network in admin panel
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/User/Plugin/Signup/Account.php
      • Put back Canada country in OTP settings
      • Revert Signup Process and provide signup steps again
      • Revert Signup Process and provide signup steps again
      • telegram login
    • application/modules/User/Plugin/Signup/Fields.php
      • Revert Signup Process and provide signup steps again
      • Revert Signup Process and provide signup steps again
    • application/modules/User/controllers/AdminManageController.php
      • Put back Canada country in OTP settings
      • Revert Signup Process and provide signup steps again
      • Revert Signup Process and provide signup steps again
      • Remove Automatic create username
      • Log error is coming with admin neutral user
    • application/modules/User/controllers/AdminOtpController.php
      • Put back Canada country in OTP settings
      • We need to show the test phone number and code fields on the OTP settings page
      • We need to show the test phone number and code fields on the OTP settings page
    • application/modules/User/controllers/AdminSettingsController.php
      • telegram login
    • application/modules/User/controllers/AuthController.php
      • Put back Canada country in OTP settings
      • fixed error message
      • We need to show the test phone number and code fields on the OTP settings page
      • telegram login
    • application/modules/User/controllers/EditController.php
      • Edit profile work for fields
      • Revert Signup Process and provide signup steps again
    • application/modules/User/controllers/IndexController.php
      • We need to show the test phone number and code fields on the OTP settings page
    • application/modules/User/controllers/SettingsController.php
      • Put back Canada country in OTP settings
      • Change Twitter to X in SE.
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/User/externals/scripts/composer_twitter.js
      • Change Twitter to X in SE.
    • application/modules/User/externals/styles/main.css
      • Ui Fix Themes
      • Ui Fix Themes
      • telegram UI work
      • Signup Upload Photo UI Fix
      • Ui Fix Theme
      • Username is showing.
      • User SIgnup Process UI Work
    • application/modules/User/settings/my-upgrade-4.1.5-4.1.6.sql
      • Change Twitter to X in SE.
    • application/modules/User/settings/my-upgrade-6.6.0-6.7.0.sql
      • Update my-upgrade-6.6.0-6.7.0.sql
      • Change Twitter to X in SE
      • Status privacy work
      • Hide Network Settings from Create and Edit forms when there is no network in admin panel
    • application/modules/User/settings/my.sql
      • Change Twitter to X in SE
      • Status privacy work
      • Revert Signup Process and provide signup steps again
      • telegram login
      • Change Twitter to X in SE.
    • application/modules/User/views/scripts/_composeTwitter.tpl
      • Change Twitter to X in SE.
    • application/modules/User/views/scripts/admin-manage/_generatePassword.tpl
      • Revert Signup Process and provide signup steps again
    • application/modules/User/views/scripts/admin-manage/add-new-user.tpl
      • Put back Canada country in OTP settings
      • Revert Signup Process and provide signup steps again
    • application/modules/User/views/scripts/admin-manage/edit.tpl
      • Put back Canada country in OTP settings
      • Revert Signup Process and provide signup steps again
    • application/modules/User/views/scripts/admin-manage/index.tpl
      • Revert Signup Process and provide signup steps again
    • application/modules/User/views/scripts/admin-manage/stats.tpl
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/User/views/scripts/admin-otp/index.tpl
      • We need to show the test phone number and code fields on the OTP settings page
    • application/modules/User/views/scripts/admin-settings/telegram.tpl
      • telegram login
    • application/modules/User/views/scripts/admin-signup/index.tpl
      • Minor Fix
      • Revert Signup Process and provide signup steps again
    • application/modules/User/views/scripts/auth/forgot.tpl
      • Put back Canada country in OTP settings
    • application/modules/User/views/scripts/auth/login.tpl
      • Put back Canada country in OTP settings
      • Put back Canada country in OTP settings
    • application/modules/User/views/scripts/coverphoto/get-main-photo.tpl
      • Username is showing.
      • Friends counts are showing
    • application/modules/User/views/scripts/settings/general.tpl
      • Put back Canada country in OTP settings
    • application/modules/User/views/scripts/signup/form/account.tpl
      • Put back Canada country in OTP settings
      • Signup Language & User import issue
    • application/modules/User/views/scripts/signup/form/fields.tpl
      • User SIgnup Process UI Work
    • application/modules/User/views/scripts/signup/form/invite.tpl
      • Change by Bharat
    • application/modules/User/views/scripts/signup/form/photo.tpl
      • User SIgnup Process UI Work
    • application/modules/User/widgets/home-photo/index.tpl
      • Friends counts are showing
      • Username is showing.
    • application/modules/User/widgets/list-popular/index.tpl
      • Friends counts are showing
    • application/modules/User/widgets/profile-fields/index.tpl
      • Revert Signup Process and provide signup steps again
    • application/modules/User/widgets/profile-info/index.tpl
      • Friends counts are showing
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/User/widgets/profile-photo/index.tpl
      • User name setting work
    • application/modules/User/widgets/user-setting-cover-photo/index.tpl
      • Username is showing.

    Video 6.7.0

    • application/modules/Video/Form/Admin/Settings/Level.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Video/Form/Edit.php
      • Hide Network Settings from Create and Edit forms when there is no network in admin panel
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Video/Form/Video.php
      • Hide Network Settings from Create and Edit forms when there is no network in admin panel
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings
    • application/modules/Video/controllers/IndexController.php
      • Create Global Setting section in Network Settings

    Warning 6.7.0

    • application/modules/Warning/Form/Admin/Comingsoon/Settings.php
      • Admin login is not working in coming soon page.
    • application/modules/Warning/Plugin/Core.php
      • Admin login is not working in coming soon page.