If you want to monetize your site, you’ll need to enable one or more payment gateways. SocialEngine has a payment gateway plugin support which accepts payments from the Credit & Debit cards. This tutorial will walk you through the process to set up these payment options.
To enable this payment gateway, go to the Monetization > Billing Settings > Gateways menu item in your admin panel.
If you don't yet have an account, you can create one at Authorize.net website.
1. Establish a Authorize.net account: https://www.authorize.net/sign-up/pricing.html
2. Navigate the API Credentials & Keys page on your Authorize.net account via: Home >Settings > API Credentials & Keys to get the API Login ID
3. Now, On the same API Credentials & Keys page, You will see New Transaction Key option. Select this option and click on the Submit button and you will get your transaction key.
4. In your Admin panel, go to Monetization > Billing Settings > Gateways and click “edit” to the right of Authorize.net.
5. Insert the Authorize.net API Login ID and Transaction Key values into this form and click “Yes” for “Enabled”. If you want to test payments, you'll also want to enable test mode. “Save Changes” when done. Note: If you enabled test mode, be sure to disable it once you're ready to start accepting payments.