Optimized File and Folder Permissions

  • If you are reading this article we can assume that you’ve successfully installed SocialEngine. You may be wondering how to secure your site files and folders. This tutorial will go over secure folder permissions to ensure your site runs at optimal efficiency and security. As each server can have different permission requirements, we suggest that you go over this list with your host to ensure these permissions will work on your hosting environment.

    - Apply recursive 777 permissions to below directories:

    - Apply Non-recursive 755 permissions to below directories and files:
    /application/css.php/  Note: Permissions to be set on this file is 755 on most of the servers, but it may be 644 for some server. If you observe an internal server error after applying 755 permissions on this file, please check the server error logs for what permission is required to be set on this file.

    - Apply 644 permissions to below files:

    - Apply 755 permissions to rest of the directories and subdirectories