How to use the Cloud Storage Feature

  • SocialEngine PHP includes a Cloud Storage feature. You can store content externally using services such as Amazon S3 and CloudFront.

    CloudFront can only be used for media files. If used for anything else, login will not work as CloudFront interferes with sessions.

    Amazon S3

    1. First, you'll need to create an Amazon Web Services  account and activate the S3 service.
    2. Go to the S3 console and click "Account" at the top-middle.
    3. From there, click "Security Credentials"
    4. Create a new access key or use the default one. You will need to enter the two keys into the SocialEngine admin panel.

    5. Go to the new configuration page in the admin panel under Settings -> Storage System
    6. Click on "Add Service"
    7. Choose "Amazon S3"
    8. Enter in the information from the Security Credentials page in (fig 4) and choose a region. The region should be closest to where you think your users will mainly be located. Be sure to click "enabled"

    9. To set this as the default storage service, click the default button. Files can be transferred by clicking the transfer link (this make take quite a while depending on how many files you have. This is done using the tasks system and is run in the background).


    1. CloudFront is an actual CDN, while S3 is just cloud storage. Here is a Wikipedia article on CDN Benefits.
    2. The steps above must be completed prior to enabling CloudFront support.
    3. First, a CloudFront Distribution must be created from the bucket used above. It may take quite a while for this to become usable!

    4. Once the distro says "Deployed" under the "Status" column, copy the "Domain Name" and enter it into the field (as shown in Step 8 above).