SocialEngine Requirements

  • SocialEngine is designed to be installed on a web server with the following basic requirements. Please send these requirements to your host if you are unsure how to set up the server or to check that it meets the requirements. These requirements are for 7.0 and up. If you are using 6.7 or below, please see the notes below.

    Operating System

    Recommended:  Linux

    Web Server 

    Recommended:   Apache (VPS or Dedicated)   Minimum:   VPS

    PHP Version

    Recommended:   8.0   Minimum:   8.0

    Apache Web Server


    • mod_rewrite (removes index.php, for SEO-friendlier URLs)

    • Disable mod_security/mod_security2 

    • shell_exec and exec



    • crontab

    • Memcached (speed boost)



    • GD2

    • cURL

    • iconv

    • IntlChar (required for Unicode characters support for mobile apps)

    • Imagick (ImageMagick) required for gif image support and mobile device image rotation

    • MySQLi

    • Safe mode must be OFF

    • Register Globals must be OFF

    • Magic Quotes must be OFF

    • Disable open_basedir

    • Memory limit: 32M+

    • Sendmail


    • PHP settings for upload_max_filesize at 23 and post_max_size at 23



    • dom

    • For VFS (Virtual File Storage), enable allow_url_fopen



    • BC Math (speed boost)

    • JSON (speed boost)

    • mbstring (required for non-English support)



    • 1 available database

    • InnoDB table support

    • MySQLi


    The following are not supported yet.

    • Nginx

    • FastCGI

    • PHP 8.1 or above is not supported yet.

    Plugin Requirements

    Some plugins have their own requirements. Please configure your server per the plugins you will be using.

    • Chat Plugin - VPS or dedicated server (Discontinued from SE 7.0 and above)

    • Video Plugin- FFmpeg (for encoding video) - without FFmpeg, users can still post YouTube and Vimeo videos. Your host can help with FFmpeg setup.


    • If hosting with AWS, do not enable AWS WAF as it interferes with sessions and login.

    • If using CloudFront, it can only be used for media files or it will interfere with sessions and login.

    • If using Cloudflare, only use the DNS and not any of the Javascript or Cache settings. These can interfere with SocialEngine PHP functions and admin panel operations.
    • If your host uses imunify360 or other security software, they will need to be aware that your software uses .tar files and will need to configure it accordingly. There could be other things they need to configure in imunify for it to allow the SocialEngine PHP software to work properly. Our recommended host already has their servers configured for SocialEngine to work with imunify360. 
    • If you are using SEPHP 6.3, you can use either PHP 7.4 or PHP 8.0 but we strongly recommend using PHP 8.0. 

    Supported Browsers

    SocialEngine is accessible through modern web-browsers. Since browsers update their versions at a fast pace, our support is for the latest 2 releases of the following browsers. Browsers not on the list can still work fine but are not officially supported.

    • Mozilla

    • Chrome

    • Microsoft Edge

    • Safari 

    Android and iOS Mobile Apps Supported Versions


    Supported Devices: 20,744 (Android devices)

    Android Version:  Above Android KitKat (version 5.0.0 above) 


    Supported Devices: above iPhone X


    Need help with this stuff?

    Contact us with any questions you have about these requirements, we'll be happy to help! Most modern hosting providers are compatible with SocialEngine but if in doubt you can contact them directly and refer them to this page.

    Need a web hosting provider too?

    Picking the right host is important, especially if you have plans for your network to grow large! We've had great experiences working with BryZar (and so have our clients) and recommend checking them out for SocialEngine-powered hosting.