Welcome to SocialEngine!

  • SocialEngine is social network software that helps you build your own customized community websites. Whether you have a pre-existing site that you want to socially layer, or just an idea for a really great social network, SocialEngine can help you realize your dream. Below are some links that will help you get started.

    Getting Started

    Features - Review our features to see if SocialEngine is right for your project.

    Live Demo - Play with our live demo to see SocialEngine in action!

    Free Trial - Get our free trial to test on your own private VPS server hosted through BryZar Hosting.

    FAQ - Check out our FAQ to get answers to questions you may have.

    Terms and License Agreement - Read our terms of service and license agreement to better understand our policies.

    Order SocialEngine PHP or SocialEngine Managed - Once you've decided SocialEngine is right for you, place your order. 

    Learning the Ropes

    Client Area - Download SocialEngine and its plugins, configure your installation request, or submit a support ticket.

    Learning Center - Search the Learning Center for answers to common questions and fixes for common problems.

    Blog - Read our blog to stay up-to-date on SocialEngine news and release information.

    Pushing the Limits

    Customize - Browse our database of third-party plugins, themes, and language packs to add additional functionality.

    SocialEngine Experts - Hire one of our recommended developers to make your social network one-of-a-kind.

    Elsewhere on the Web

    Facebook - Like our Facebook page.

    Twitter - Follow us on Twitter.

    Thank you for your continued support. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, suggestions, concerns or compliments! Visit our community to have more interactions with us and other clients or third party developers. We’d love to see you there!