Mail Templates

  • Various notification emails are sent to your members as they interact with the community. You may find that you want to change the default templates to be more customized for your site. This tutorial will show you how to do that.

    First, log in to your Admin panel and navigate to Settings > Mail Templates.

    Any changes you make here will only be saved after you click the "Save Changes" button at the bottom of the page.

    Editing Templates

    Language Pack

    If necessary, select the Language Pack you would like to use to translate mail templates.

    If you have more than one language, please be sure to translate every template for each language. If a template has not been translated, it may throw an error when the system tries to send out that notification email. This could break your mail queue which would end up in a bottle neck of emails as well as tasks run in your Task Manager.

    Member Levels

    You can choose which member levels will receive emailed notifications for items that allow a member level to be chosen. For example, if you select the "Comments" mail template, the member level selection will then show as that mail template is for members.

    Choose Message

    Select the email message that you wish to customize, such as the “Lost Password” email, “Group Invitation” email, “Video Processed” email, or any of the others. In the screenshot above, we chose the "Comment" mail template.

    Placeholders can be used to insert unique data such as email addresses, the recipient's title (display name), recipient's profile photo, etc. “Available Placeholders” are listed for each message type. Some messages have different placeholders than others and some messages have no placeholders.


    You can edit the subject for the selected email message.

    Message Body

    You can edit the “Message Body” for the selected email message. 

    If you will be using placeholders in your “Message body” please check that the placeholders are spelled correctly and are available for the type of message you are editing (See the “Choose Message” section above for more details).

    HTML is also allowed within the “Message Body”. If you would like to add your own image or HTML code, you are free to do so.

    Adding Links to your Mail Templates

    SocialEngine doesn't automatically convert URLs to links in email messages. This is something that needs to be done manually by adding HTML to your mail templates. If you would like to add HTML links to your mail template, here are some examples:

    Link to the page of the person who causes some action (example: the person who comments on a status update)

    <a href="http://[host][sender_link]">http://[host][sender_link]</a>

    Link to the page that is the subject of some action (example: a link to group page)

    <a href="http://[host][object_link]">http://[host][object_link]</a>

    Link to the page of the person receiving some action (example: the person whose status update was commented on)

    <a href="http://[host][recipient_link]">http://[host][recipient_link]</a>

    Please note that each mail template contains a list of placeholders that may be used for that template. Not all templates will have a [sender_link], [object_link] or [recipient_link].


    If you want to use this email template, you'll need to enable it for some templates. Not all templates have this setting. Check each one if your members are not receiving emails such as for email verification.