Redirection Setting

  • If you would like to set the pages that your users will land on after logging in, signing up, or logging out, please follow the below steps. You'll need to be logged into your Admin Panel.

    1. Navigate to Settings > Redirection Settings.

    User Redirection After Login

    1. Select the page where you want the users to be redirected after they log in to your site. You can choose from Member Home Page, Member Profile Page, Edit Profile Page, or Other.

    2. When choosing Other, you will need to put the URL to the site page you want them redirected to. This needs to be a page from your current site and cannot be an external URL. In our example below, we are redirecting the user to the Blog page.

    User Redirection After Signup

    1. Select the page where you want the users to be redirected after they sign up to your site. You can choose from Member Home Page, Member Profile Page, Edit Profile Page, or Other.

    2. When choosing Other, you will need to put the URL to the site page you want them redirected to. Please see step 2 above for more details.

    User Redirection After Logout

    1. Select the page where you want the users to be redirected after they sign up to your site. You can choose from Landing Page, Sign-In Page, or Other.

    2. When choosing Other, you will need to put the URL to the site page you want them redirected to. Please see step 2 in the User Redirection after Log in for more details.

    Be sure to Save Changes when done.


    Remember to clear your cache! You may also need to clear your browser cache.