
  • The Video Sharing Plugin page allows you to manage all of the Videos in your community; determine the Video Utilities, Global Settings, and Member Level Settings for your community; and manage Categories.

    NOTE: the PHP directive allow_url_fopen must be enabled for embedded Videos such as YouTube and Vimeo to function properly. Only applicable in SEPHP versions below 4.10.5.

    Manage Videos

    In your Admin area, go to Plugins > Videos.

    The “Manage Videos” tab shows all of the Videos in your community. 

    Viewing a Video

    To view a Video, click on the "view" link under "Options" for the Video that you want to view.

    Deleting Videos

    You can delete an individual Video by clicking the "delete" link on the right side of each row under the "Options" column.

    You can choose to delete multiple Videos at once by using the checkboxes on the left side of the table and the "Delete Selected" button at the bottom. Checking the checkbox in the blue title bar will select all of the checkboxes on the list below it.

    Video Utilities

    The Video Utilities page displays the current installed version of Ffmpeg, and also shows the output of Ffmpeg formats. To reach this page, click on the “Video Utilities” tab.

    In order for the Video plugin to support Video uploads, your server must have the Ffmpeg software installed. Ffmpeg is a Video encoding software that will allow the Video plugin to convert uploaded movies to flash movie files which can then be played through our Video player. If you don't already have Ffmpeg installed, please contact your hosting provider and have them install the missing software for you.

    In addition to Ffmpeg, the Video plugin also requires that the PHP functions “exec” and “shell_exec” are enabled on the server. Some hosting providers disable these functions by default. If these functions have been disabled, please ask your hosting provider to enable them in order for the Video plugin to detect and use Ffmpeg.

    Global Settings

    To get to this page, click on the "Global Settings" tab. When done changing settings, be sure to click “Save Changes” to save them.

    Enter the full path to your Ffmpeg installation.

    Disallow these Sources:

    This setting allows you to disable sharing from sites that you don’t want allowed. The full list of available sites is found here. Our example shows us disabling Soundcloud and Twitter.

    Youtube API Key

    In order to allow sharing from YouTube, you’ll need to add your YouTube API . Follow steps 1 - 5 to set up the YouTube API Key. If you already have a key, please skip to step 6.

    1. Create a project at YouTube or select one you already created.

    2. If you hadn’t already added the YouTube API to your project, click “Enable APIs and Services” at the top of the middle column.

    3. On the next screen, search for Youtube and select the “YouTube Data API v3.”

    4. Click to Enable it.

    5. Once enabled, you’ll see a green check.

      It might take time for the check to appear. Check back later if you don’t see it. Meanwhile, you can proceed.

    6. Navigate back to your project dashboard and click Credentials on the left. Set “Which API are you using” to “YouTube Data API v3” and set “Where will you be calling the API from” to “Web Browser (Javascript)” as the screenshot below shows. Also choose “Public data” for the type of data you’ll be accessing. Once you click “What credentials do I need” you’ll be able to see the API key to copy.

      You may not see the image above if you had set up the YouTube API before. You can copy your credentials seen next to your YouTube API as seen in this screenshot:

    7. Now you need to paste the YouTube API key into the input box in your SocialEngine PHP admin panel video plugin.

    8. Test by sharing a YouTube video after you’ve cleared cache. If it doesn’t work, check step 5 above to see whether the green check appears. If not, contact YouTube to see why it isn’t enabling for your project.

    Encoding Jobs

    Determine how many encoding jobs can run at the same time, and how many listings will be shown per page.

    Make unauthorized videos searchable?

    Do you want to make unauthorized videos searchable? (If set to no, videos that are not authorized for the current user will not be displayed in the video search results and widgets.)

    Allow Embedding of Videos?

    Enabling this option will give members the ability to embed videos on this site in other pages using an iframe (like YouTube).

    Member Level Settings

    These settings are applied on a per Member Level basis. Start by selecting the Member Level that you want to modify, then adjust the settings for that level. To reach this page, click on the "Member Level Settings" tab. When done changing settings, be sure to click “Save Changes” to save them.

    Member Level

    Select the Member Level that you want to edit

    Allow Viewing of Videos?

    You can limit the ability of the selected Member Level from being able to view Videos.

    The "Yes, allow viewing of all videos, even private ones" option is only available for the moderator/admin/super admin Member Levels. This option will allow members of this level to see all Videos on the site no matter what level of privacy the Video has been set to. Selecting the "Yes, allow viewing of videos" will allow members of this level to view all Videos which apply to members of this level. Selecting the "No, do not allow videos to be viewed." option will not allow members of this level to view any Video pages or see the Videos menu item in any menus on the site.

    Allow Creation of Videos?

    You can limit the ability of the selected Member Level from being able to create Videos. 

    The "Yes, allow creation of videos" will allow members of this level to create Videos. Selecting the "No, do not allow videos to be created" option will not allow the members of this level to create any Videos.

    Allow Editing of Videos?

    You can decide whether the members of the selected Member Level are allowed to edit Videos.

    The "Yes, allow members to edit all videos" will only appear for moderators/admins/super admin Member Levels. Selecting this option will allow members of this level to edit any Video as they see fit. The "Yes, allow members to edit their own videos" will only allow members of this level to edit the Videos that they have created. Selecting the "No, do not allow members to edit their videos" will not allow the members of this level to edit any Videos.

    Allow Deletion of Videos?

    You can decide whether the members of the selected Member Level are allowed to delete Videos.

    The "Yes, allow members to delete all videos" will only appear for moderators/admins/super admin Member Levels. Selecting this option will allow members of this level to delete any Video as they see fit. The "Yes, allow members to delete their own videos" will only allow members of this level to delete the Videos that they have created. Selecting the "No, do not allow members to delete their videos." will not allow the members of this level to delete any Videos.

    Allow Commenting on Videos?

    You can decide whether the members of the selected Member Level are allowed to comment on Videos.

    The "Yes, allow members to comment on all videos, including private ones" will only appear for moderators/admins/super admin Member Levels. Selecting this option will allow members of this level to comment on any Video as they see fit. The "Yes, allow members to comment on videos" will only allow members of this level to comment on Videos that they have access to. Selecting the "No, do not allow members to comment on videos." will not allow the members of this level to comment on any Videos.

    Allow Video Upload?

    You can limit the ability of the selected Member Level from being able to upload videos.

    The "Yes, allow videos uploads" will allow members of this level to upload Videos. Selecting the "No, do not allow videos uploads" option will not allow the members of this level to upload Videos.

    Video Privacy

    The Video Privacy feature allows you to select which options to give to your members in terms of who can view their Videos. 

    If you select more than 1 option, then the selected options will appear in the Video's Privacy settings. 

    If you do not select any options, the user will not have a "Privacy" section on their Video Settings page and will not be able to make any selections. The privacy setting will be whatever was last selected before disabling the options. If you would like Everyone (even user's not logged in) or All Registered Members to be able to see everyone's Videos, you will need to select one of these options and only one. Selecting more than one will once again allow the user to select between the two options.

    Video Comment Options

    The Video commenting options are much like the previous Video Privacy; however, they apply to which members are allowed to comment on the members of this level's Video entries. 

    Allow to Choose Network Privacy?

    Set whether to allow members to set Network Privacy for their videos.

    Maximum Allowed Videos

    Enter the maximum number of allowed Videos for this Member Level.

    Maximum Allowed Videos per Duration

    Enter the maximum number of videos allowed for the selected duration (per minute / per hour / per day) for members of this level. The field must contain an integer between 1 and 9999, or 0 for unlimited.


    Create Categories if you want to allow your members to Categorize their Videos. In order to get to the Categories page, click on the "Categories" tab.


    Categories allow your members to organize their Videos with others of similar subject matter . If you have no Categories, your members will not be given the option of assigning a Category. Categories can help members find similar content easier; can help with SEO; and can help make a niche site more unique for its members.

    Creating a New Category

    1. To create a new Category, click on the "Add New Category" button to the left of the Category list. This shows the Blog categories but it is the same process.
    2. Enter a name for your new Category and if this is a sub-category, select the Parent category. If this is a main category, leave the selection at "None" for Parent category.

    Editing a Category

    To edit a Category Name, click on the "edit" link under the "Options" column for the Category whose name you want to change.

    It will open a popup just like the one used to create a Category. When you have finished making your changes to the Category Name, click on "Edit Category" to save your changes.

    Deleting a Category

    To delete a Category, click on the "delete" link under the "Options" column for the Category that you want to delete.

    It will open a popup asking if you are sure you want to delete the following Category. To delete the Category, click on the "Delete" button.