
  • Earning money from your website is a great thing. SocialEngine provides a way for you to manage Transactions so that you can stay on top of things and have all of the details you need. This tutorial will get you familiar with the Transaction manager to use it effectively.

    To manage Transactions, in your Admin Panel navigate to Billing > Transactions. 

    You’ll see a list of all of the Transactions that have transpired. The list will show the Member “ID,” “Member,” “Gateway,” “Type,” “State,” “Amount,” and “Date”. All of those fields are sortable by clicking them. The “Options” column is not sortable.

    Select a Transaction from the list, or use the search box find one by “Member name,” “Username,” “e-mail,” “Transaction ID,” and “Order ID.”

    Browse Transactions

    If no search is entered, all Transactions will be displayed by default. Sort displayed Transactions by “ID,” “Member,” “Gateway,” “Type,” “State,” “Amount,” or “Date” by clicking on one of these fields in the menu. Click the green arrow to toggle between ascending or descending order.


    Display Transactions by “ID” number.


    Display transactions by “Member Name.” Clicking a name will direct you to the member's profile.


    Display Transactions by “Gateway.” This is useful if you want to see all PayPal Transactions listed first, for example. The membership billing feature includes a built-in payment gateway for Paypal. For more information on setting up payment gateways, refer to the Gateways section of the documentation.


    Display Transactions by “Type” (For example: Payment, Refund, or Reversal).


    Display Transactions by “State.” Global “States” include the following: “Okay,” “Failed,” “Pending,” “Refunded,” “Reversed,” “Unknown.” Additional states include: “Failed-fraud,” “Pending-fraud.”


    Display Transactions by “Date.” This is useful if you want to switch between viewing the newest and oldest Transactions.

    Transaction Details

    Click "details" in the options column to open a popup a window displaying the following Transaction details: “Transaction ID,” “Member Name,” “Payment Gateway,” “Payment State,” “Gateway Transaction ID,” “Gateway Order ID,” “Date,” and “Options.” From here, you can view the member profile associated with the Transaction, email the member directly, or view related subscriptions. Click the “Gateway Transaction ID” number to be linked to that Transaction on the payment gateway website. For more information on Subscriptions, refer to the Subscriptions  section of the documentation.