
  • To create new subscription plans and manage existing plans, go to Billing > Plans in the admin control panel. Before creating your plans, make sure you made the member levels you need for your plans.

    Create Subscription Plan

    Click "Add Plan" to create a new subscription plan.

    “Price”, “Billing Cycle”, and “Billing Duration” parameters cannot be edited after creation. If you wish to change these, you will need to create a new plan and disable the current one.


    Enter a title for your plan.


    Enter a description for your plan. This will help your members to decide whether the plan is right for them.

    Member Level

    Select a member level. The member will be placed into this level upon subscribing to this plan. If left empty, the default level at the time a subscription is chosen will be used.


    Enter the amount you would like to charge the member. This will be charged once for one-time plans, and each billing cycle for recurring plans. Setting this to zero will make this a free plan.

    Billing Cycle

    Select how often members of this plan should be billed. Options are: “Week”, “Month”, “Year”, “One-time”. 

    Billing Duration

    Select the time when this plan should expire. For one-time plans, the plan will expire after the period of time set here. For recurring plans, the user will be billed at the above billing cycle for the period of time specified here. Options are: “Week”, “Month”, “Year”, “Forever”.


    Select whether or not members will be able to choose this plan. Disabling this plan will grandfather in existing plan members until they pick a new plan.

    Show on Sign up

    Choose whether members will be able to select this plan upon sign up or after sign up.

    Default Plan

    If choosing a plan on signup is disabled, this plan will be assigned to new members. Only a free plan may be the default plan.

    Create Plan

    Click "Create Plan" to create the new plan, or "Cancel" to quit without saving.

    Browse and Manage Subscription Plans

    The search box will look through the “Title”, “Member Level”, “Enabled (Yes/No)”, and whether the plan is shown upon “Signup (Yes/No)”. If no search is entered, all plans will be displayed by default. 

    Sort displayed plans by “ID”, “Title”, “Member Level”, “Price”, “Enabled”, or “Signup” by clicking on one of these fields in the top menu. Click the green arrow to toggle between ascending or descending order.


    Displays plans by ID number.


    Displays plans by title. 

    Member Level

    Displays plans by member level. This is useful, for instance, if you would like to list paid member levels first.


    Displays plans by price. This is useful when you would like to list the lowest-priced plans first.


    Shows the billing cycle for each plan.


    Displays plans by Enabled (Yes) or Disabled (No) status.


    Displays plans by Signup status (Yes / No). This is helpful when you would like to see which plans are currently visible to new members upon signup. 

    Active Members

    Shows the number of active members for each plan. This will help you to see which plans are the most successful.


    Edit Plan

    Click "Edit" in the options column to make changes to a subscription plan after it has been created.

    Manage Subscriptions

    Click "Subscriptions" in the options column to see a list of subscriptions for each plan. 

    Once clicked, you will be on the page that shows the members subscribed to that plan.


    Sort displayed members by “ID”, “Member”, “Plan”, “Status”, or “Active” by clicking on one of these fields in the top menu. Click the green arrow to toggle between ascending or descending order.

    Viewing Member Purchase Details

    To view details of the member’s subscription, click “details” in the “Options” column.

    Once you click “details”, you’ll be on the page with the details of this member’s plan subscription. The below image shows a member’s free subscription. Had it been a paid plan, more details would be seen for the transaction details for payment.

    For more information, refer to the Subscriptions section of the documentation.