SocialEngine SDK

  • The SocialEngine 4 SDK, or Software Development Kit, helps SocialEngine developers by building skeleton packages and allowing them to package existing ones for distribution. You can also refer to sdk.html in the download for installation instructions. For a technical overview of SocialEngine and a sample plugin, refer to our Technical Overview article.

    Installing the SocialEngine SDK

    If you have not previously installed SocialEngine, please do so now. You can refer to the README.html for detailed instructions. If you are using a version of SocialEngine greater than 4.00, the SDK may already be installed and you can skip to step #4

    1. Extract the contents of the SDK archive to your computer.
    2. Upload all of the sdk files to the root folder of your SocialEngine installation.
    3. Sign into the installer by going to /install and entering your admin login, or through the admin panel by going to Manage -> Packages & Plugins.
    4. There will be a link to the "Developer SDK" in the page header.

    Developers Guide

    Create a Package

    "Create a Package" will create a skeleton package for you, with the proper file system structure and manifest files. You can either install this using the Package Manager or extract it to your SocialEngine installation to start working on it.

    Build Package

    "Build Package" will scan your system for packages that can be installed and distributed. You can select a package, and the SDK will re-build the package manifest and condense it into a TAR archive, which will show up under "Manage Package Files".

    Manage Package Files

    "Manage Package Files" allows you to download package files you've built, combine packages into a single package for distribution, or delete ones you don't want.