Pre sales

    • 306 posts
    October 29, 2018 1:58 PM EDT

    Can’t find a pre sale section so apologies if there is.

    I’ve been a user of the “other” script for several years and I’ve been weighing up the possibility of start from new a site with SE.

    My queries are

    I’ve seen mentioned about 5.0 but no release date. Realistically would this be a 2019 thing ?

    I’ve asked via email about this bit and was told there is no official support.
    I want to use nginx as I find it far superior to apache. Has someone else got a site running on nginx and was it easy enough to set up the rules ?

    I’ve seen the demo and I’m not overly keen on the blog layouts, is this something that will be worked on and improved or is a 3rd party add on required.?

    This next part is subjective but no one can answer it better than the clients themselves, without naming alternatives that can be found on “nodenanyon” what makes SE more attractive to use for you ?

    I’ve used a demo but it looks very outdated so I see that a 3rd party theme would be required.

    Thank you Donna for helping me get registered here.
    I’m also a user on ST under the name vanucci so I know some of you here.
    • Moderator
    • 6923 posts
    October 30, 2018 4:33 AM EDT

    Hi, I've moved this to the SEPHP section as it didn't seem a cloud question but I can move it back if it is. 

    Welcome aboard! Nice to see you "from that other script" lol. Ray and I, and many others, are also here so it's like reuniting family. 

    Our roadmap is posted in the news section so you might want to look at that and at the previews from Spencer our mascot. We don't have a date for the SEPHP version but it shouldn't be all that long after our SE Cloud version. 

    My hosting company that I have with a partner (you would probably know him from that script as TemplateMechanic) does have nginx by proxy working with SE as my own sites host there and it works. As for straight up nginx, there is no support for it at this time in sephp. I do know other clients have it set up so hopefully they will chime in. For this site and our demo, we use redis cache.

    There are definitely improvements coming for blogs. I have an author site and have mapped out some nice improvements based on feature requests and my own findings. Also, I know SES is going to release an articles plugin with some suggestions I gave them. That would be SocialEngineSolutions so look them up and get them to release that in certified marketplace lol. It'll be nice.

    As a client, I can also answer that what makes it more attractive. One, and this is definitely personal, is that the founder of that other script is here and working hard on a new release. SE also quickly fixes any vulnerabilities reported (as seen recently). I like the feed settings as it's easy to remove the "is friends with" or "user joined" sort of posts that junk up the feed. It takes some time getting used to but to me it's a more stable script than the others I tested before deciding to migrate my stuff.

    Check with templatemechanic on themes too as he's got some he never released for SE, not yet. They are done though. Check in the marketplace as well as there are some good certified themes. Try to stay only with certified plugins as those are tested and are not allowed to have source edits or callbacks.

    Happy to have helped you get registered and that you are a member of ScriptTechs. I do have a bunch of free plugins in the certified marketplace from ScriptTechs and one from BryZar (the hosting company).

    • 306 posts
    October 31, 2018 4:42 PM EDT
    Thanks for responding Donna and yes this is more for sephp. I’ll check out the developers you have mentioned and the hosting. I do recall him being recommended previously. I’ll check him out also.
    • 378 posts
    November 3, 2018 5:04 PM EDT

    LOL I LOVE the username - brings me back to when my kids were small!

    I am also a convert from another script (Was Zixia604 there).

    SE has been nothing short of a breath of fresh air compared to what I used to have to deal with. Like any stock script you will need to build it to your vision and this can be done with existing plugins/templates or via custom work. I have found that the developers here are professional and responsive. I opted to work with just one due to wanting to have the most assurance of not encountering conflicts.

    We are approaching 10 years online this coming February... SE will be with us for the foreseeable future as we continue to grow.

    I also recommend for hosting that you look at - they are some of the best I have found.

    This post was edited by ITLJames at November 3, 2018 5:05 PM EDT
    • 306 posts
    November 3, 2018 6:33 PM EDT

    Thank you ITLJames for taking the time to respond. Looks like I will be getting SEPHP but im just waiting for the next deal as the current price is just a bit too high and I know this is awful but im waiting for the next promo then i'm in. 



    • Moderator
    • 6923 posts
    November 4, 2018 3:28 AM EST

    There's a discount for those switching from that other script.

    • 306 posts
    November 4, 2018 5:47 AM EST
    That link gives me a 404 page
    • 306 posts
    November 4, 2018 6:12 AM EST

    Tried on pc and it works. 


    I'll have to wait a bit longer for a better one. I checked socials from last year and there was a better one. Thank you though .