V5.2.1 menu

    • 474 posts
    July 20, 2020 10:05 AM EDT

    Hei Folkes

    No drop down arrows on site main Menu or main mobile menu. only boxes.

    Issue is with the SE Site itself.
    Tested my theory..to see if it is the Socialapps PWA causing the issue.

    I disabled the socialapps tech PWA leaving only the SE mobile and desktop versions v5.2.1. I just have a box on the right hand side of the categories on mobile and desktop versions.

    When i enable the socialapps PWA, the mobile version has the arrows but the desktop remains as the image. So im thinking its a bug or as you say a server setting needs to be changed ??.

    • Moderator
    • 6923 posts
    July 20, 2020 10:57 AM EDT

    As you can see our demo works fine and this site works fine. I asked SNS about this and they said it is an issue they will answer as it could be the PWA which overwrites some files, or another issue they will check though.

    • Moderator
    • 6923 posts
    July 20, 2020 10:58 AM EDT

    Well you can't see this site as I disabled the drop downs. You can see the demo though lol.

  • July 20, 2020 12:56 PM EDT

    Hello mikel,


           As we see in the screenshot, one of the reason for this issue is the existence of 2 versions of font-awesome on your website. When you upgrade your site to SE 5, then the old version of font awesome should be upgraded.

    You can once check the fontawesome version on your website at path: ~\externals\font-awesome\fonts and make sure you have the latest font-awesome on your website .



    Team SNS

    • 474 posts
    July 20, 2020 1:11 PM EDT

    Hello SNS

    my site is V5.2.1 latest version..

    How and where do i get the new version of fontawsome ?

    This post was edited by Mikel at July 20, 2020 1:12 PM EDT
  • July 20, 2020 1:13 PM EDT

    It should be there on your website, but its quite possible that you have old version also on your site.


    If you want, our team can check the issue on your site, please contact us at support@socialnetworking.solutions .



    • 474 posts
    July 20, 2020 1:21 PM EDT


    But i can only allow SE Techs and 3rd party dev techs (that i have products from) to access my site.. Its a security issue and my security chief will go crazy and she will beat me up and stuff me in a box and mail me to the south pole.

    If this is the issue, then only a SE Tech will be allowed into my site script and other workings.

    thanks anyway..

  • July 20, 2020 1:26 PM EDT

    In that case you can first prefer to contact the developer from whom you have plugins to check if any of the plugin requires or replacing old version of font-awesome on your site.


    • 43 posts
    July 21, 2020 9:23 AM EDT

     I had the same problem with my drop down menu. no fancy arrow but the box you showed. Following this to see if the issue gets fixed. 

    • 474 posts
    July 21, 2020 10:37 AM EDT

    Hei Michael..

    I had a reply from Donna:  you would check the css folder for the all.min.css and check the Fontawesome version there too. Font Awesome Free 5.11.2 

    So basicly get into you php server and check for the file as mentioned above. see if your site fontawesome is updated to : fontawesome v5.11.2

    Also check on your site admin (packages and plugins) fontawesome is v5.2.1

    On my php server side i d have it installed: check image below.



    Ok, the situation is: as far as thought so far , because it is updated then issue could be 3rd party product related.
    So now i got another issue to add to the growing list of 3rd party plugin issues. that started with bugy 3rd party product new updates since v5.0.0

    im not happy, 


    This post was edited by Mikel at July 21, 2020 11:09 AM EDT
    • 43 posts
    July 21, 2020 3:27 PM EDT

    Hi Mikel,


    Thanks for the explanation.

    I'll have a look at this when i'm ready to test it again. I need submenu so would be nice if it works proper.

    Im also struggling with 3th party plugins and getting them to work and look proper.

    But i have good hope that this week could be a good week for me. (after 1 month of patience i flipped... then the work began)

    I've been away for like 10 years and back in the day the 3th party devs were great... i'm not sure what happened in the last 10 years.. haha

    I try to keep them at a minimum do. less is more... (happyness)

    • 474 posts
    July 22, 2020 6:36 AM EDT

    Hei michael

    Less is most defiantly better.
    My business plan is:
    Use only one 3rd party dev products on my site.
    reason is, when there is a problem, it is easier dealing with one dev and not several devs passing the blame for products causing issues with each others products.

    What devs are you using on your site ?
    I only just use SocialApps.tech now. deleted all the others.


    • 43 posts
    July 22, 2020 6:53 AM EDT
    That is very smart that you do that. I'm also using that same company now. I'm still in test phase do. Some bugs must be resolved else I need to move on. I wish the blog plugin from socialengine itself was better then I would use that. 1 category does not work for my project, I need unlimited per post and up to 3 sub categories. I'm not a real tech guy so can't make things myself but for the correct tech partner I got money to spend. So far , no great tech partner I found. We will see how this works out.
    • 474 posts
    July 22, 2020 7:12 AM EDT

    Hei micahel.

    Im not to keen on advanced products like music, video, blogs and others. 

    I have used them and had issues so i deleted them. I found they didnt really add much value to the site.
    SE video, blogs, music and other SE stuff works perfectly well and there is no need to over-load the site just for an few extra settings or look.
    As long as members can upload, search and view stuff quick and easy,and it loads well and looks good on mobile devices they are plenty happy. Iv not had any complaints of any significance about SE plugins or Scripttech products.

    I dont know what site you are creating but in my experience (and ive had a few sites and broke a few sites, what can i say, i like playing with my toys) Members like the simple stuff, dont over-complicate stuff. the more options and setting your plugin or site has, the more things can go wrong and harder to find the cause or members are just overloaded with options and choices. Also it may add strain on your servers fetch, retrieval and send and download and upload.

    So basically, keep things simple and easy.
    This is my experience, other members on here will have other views and experience so im just speaking for myself.

    As far as you blog issue. 1 category ?? you can create categories, i think you should be able to create sub-categories now.. il check on my SE blogs and get back to you.


    This post was edited by Mikel at July 22, 2020 7:15 AM EDT
    • 43 posts
    July 22, 2020 10:34 AM EDT
    I think its only 1 level of category you can ad in the official blog plugin. I need 3 levels and I need to be able to add as many categories as I want to a post. I do have this now do. But would be nice is the official plugin would have that.
    • 474 posts
    July 22, 2020 12:31 PM EDT

    hei. Michael

    Yeh i agree.

    best put a feature request in the forum.. SEPHP feature requests..
    have sub-categories for all SE products, not just blog.

    And if 3rd party devs still want to create advanced products they still can.

    I think this will be good idea.


    This post was edited by Mikel at July 22, 2020 12:35 PM EDT
    • Moderator
    • 6923 posts
    July 22, 2020 12:49 PM EDT

    This is already on our roadmap for improvements after v6. I've mapped every plugin for improvements. We will absolutely ROCK!

    • 474 posts
    July 23, 2020 2:54 PM EDT

    Hei Michael and others

    Just a positive Update about the issue i and you had with the ( down arrow )

    I followed the advice from Donna and SNS. I got my 3rd party dev ( SocialApps Tech) to look at the issue. Of it could be a 3rdparty dev plugin issue. 
    The techs must have corrected the issue because the issue is now resolved. Techs have not confirmed the fix to me yet but issue is resolved.

    So its a good idea to check or at least submit a report to your 3rd party devs to take a look at your sites issue.


    • 43 posts
    July 23, 2020 3:24 PM EDT
    hi Mikel,

    That is good news. I'll contact them too. Thanks!
    • Moderator
    • 104 posts
    July 24, 2020 4:47 AM EDT

    I am glad it worked for you mikel.


    And hope it works for you too Michael. Please update here if you find solution as it will help other clients as well.

    • 474 posts
    July 24, 2020 11:54 AM EDT

    Back to no Drop down arrows again..

    i had to do an v5.2.1 SE update and when i looked at my menu, im back to no Drop down arrows...

    So il get back in touch with Socialappstech and get them to have another look at the first fix. ask them to fix it again.


    This post was edited by Mikel at July 24, 2020 2:41 PM EDT
    • 43 posts
    July 26, 2020 10:43 AM EDT

    They (Socialappstech) fixed it for me.

    I did not do a update for anything after that do. Now i'm scared to do that.. haha

    • 474 posts
    July 26, 2020 11:03 AM EDT

    Hei Michael..

    You dont need to do an update..

    I had to do an update because my serenity theme main menu fonts all turned grey.

    My admin assistant tried to create a new looking theme ( with the new theme builder feature) using a copy from serenity themes (green2) and when he went back to main site after testing he found that the the normal blue theme had changed, the main menu fonts had turned grey. He could not resolve that issue so then he had to do a new v5.2.1 upload to resolve the issue. It worked. but then found out that the (drop down arrows) had became boxes again. so SocialApps are taking another look at the issue next week. and making sure they stay as arrows after updates of SE and S.A.T product uploads.

    hopefully after the list of fixes they got to fix, im hopeing i wont have other new issues. so i shouldnt need to do any socialapps product updates for a week or so because i just done 19 this week.
