Menu Placement

    • 474 posts
    July 23, 2020 2:17 PM EDT

    Hei Donna and Techs

    Please if it could be done...create a setting so that i can move the positions of : Mini menu and Main menu.

    reason: at the moment they are fixed to the rite side of the theme / screen.
    I would like the option to place menus into a central position.

    Result: It may work better on some mobile devices such as smart / cell phones like galaxy, apple, and others.

    Issue: On some devices, with the mini menu set on the rite side of screen and with the inclusion of the search bar, ive noticed that the menu can be distorted on due to the site squashing menu to fit devices screen. If i can place mini menu to a central position it should resolve the issue. (in theory)

    Many Thanks

    • Moderator
    • 6923 posts
    July 23, 2020 4:47 PM EDT

    When you use the layout editor to move the widgets around, is it not working for you? Those are all widgets that can move around. 

    • Moderator
    • 104 posts
    July 24, 2020 6:17 AM EDT

    Hello mikel,


          The current placement of the mini menu and main menu as per general design keeping in mind the variety of devices we have these days. Modifying it may give different effects in responsive view in devices of different screen sizes and we may face issues, so we have kept it the way it is right now.


    We will look how we can improvement it.

    This post was edited by Shubhra at July 24, 2020 6:17 AM EDT