Item#01 I'm sure this is a simple thing, but I can't seem to scroll down the menu at the bottom of my display. Is there a setting somewhere that I missed or a # to display before 'More'? Browser scrollbar and mouse-wheel obviously scroll the main page.
Item#02 Is the horizontal menu supposed to briefly display (i.e. flash) at the top of the page then disappear when the vertical menu appears?
Thanks (hopefully the laugh this brought to everyone's face was payment for helping me out
1. I just use the mouse scroll. It can also show a scrollbar IIRC. I don't like vertical menus so I don't use them. I can test this tomorrow if you need me to though.
2. Yes, I reported that in the beginning before we released. It is not something that can easily be resolved. I don't recall the explanation but partly it's due to the speed of the user's browser/net and partly due to how the site needs to load or something like that. Not all that technical from me, sorry about that.
Thanks for the help Donna.
RE Item#01 Resolved.
RE Item#02 Sorry, I missed that. I did a search but since search doesn't work (as I posted elsewhere) I didn't find this info. That's helpful, but ugly
(New) Item#03 I tried horizontal but it the UI/UX was unacceptable (due to the number of Menu Items) and I don't see a setting for how many Menu Items to display before a 'More' option, so without that, I can't use Horizontal. Is there a setting I'm missing somewhere for this?
My bad. I mean the issue was reported by me in our internal tracker.
I don't think there is a setting. It's a good idea though.