Installation mobile APP

    • 321 posts
    September 11, 2020 10:57 AM EDT

    We would like to install a mobile APP for our site.

    From memory, the mobile application for SE is free and included in the license upon purchase.

    Is it easy to install?

    If you did, can you give me some advice?

    Thank you in advance.

    • Moderator
    • 6923 posts
    September 11, 2020 12:45 PM EDT

    These are free with v5 yes, just get it from the store listing when logged in to your client dashboard and it will be in your account. Download it like any plugin and install it via the plugin manager. More details for how to install and how to get the free build after install (to submit to Google and Apple) is found in the tutorial. SocialNetworking.Solutions provides these free of charge to v5 clients per the mobile app terms. These are pretty easy to install and since they do the work after install, it should be fairly simple, we hope. 

    • 321 posts
    September 11, 2020 12:52 PM EDT

    Thanks Donna, we'll test all of this.

    One last question. Will the modules we purchased from third parties work and have a good display on the APP?

    Thanks per advance

  • September 12, 2020 4:35 AM EDT
    Lovea said:

    Thanks Donna, we'll test all of this.

    One last question. Will the modules we purchased from third parties work and have a good display on the APP?

    Thanks per advance

    Hello Lovea,


         No, modules from other 3rd party are not supported in our apps.


    In the free version only SocialEngine and its plugins are supported. For the advanced version, we request you to contact our sales team from here to discuss about your doubts and queries.



    Team SNS