Enable Photo Uploads in Group Post Comments - How?

    • 33 posts
    June 22, 2021 9:03 PM EDT

    Is there a way to enable photo uploads to group post comments? I would actually prefer that comments include all of the submenu items of a group post.

    Also, is there a way to enable both URL inclusion and Photo uploads to a new group post?

    • Moderator
    • 6923 posts
    June 23, 2021 7:43 AM EDT
    Pingfield said:

    Is there a way to enable photo uploads to group post comments? I would actually prefer that comments include all of the submenu items of a group post.

    Please add a feature request to include the Editor in comments to allow for photo upload in comments.

    Also, is there a way to enable both URL inclusion and Photo uploads to a new group post?

    I believe you are looking for this feature request https://community.socialengine.com/forums/topic/2638/photo-and-link-in-activity-feed

    • 33 posts
    June 27, 2021 3:27 PM EDT


    Yes, I am pretty much asking for the same thing. I have commented on that feature request.