iframely question

    • 34 posts
    September 13, 2022 4:31 PM EDT

    The "native" iframely API for my site stopped working. I couldn't embed youtube et al videos. So I got the free iframely API ... but am now going over the limit and being charged. I would prefer things as they were, not having to pay (I'm in Brazil where even small purchases in dollars can be relatively expensive). I'd be grateful for knowledgeable advice. Thank you!

    • Moderator
    • 6923 posts
    September 14, 2022 5:10 AM EDT

    There is no "native" one any more. That was hosted by SocialEngine and was supposed to be a paid product. We had to remove the feature due to abuse by some clients and because we had not made the subscription for it, it caused too much of an issue as well.

    BryZar offers free iframely which doesn't have a limit itself. What limit did you go over? YouTube is separate from iframely so if it is that, then your issue is YouTube, not iframely.

    • 34 posts
    September 14, 2022 5:30 AM EDT

    iframely has a limit of 1000 views, and then stops working unless one has a paid subscription (my issue is with embeds via the socialengine video plugin). BryZar looks interesting! Thank you Donna! !!!

    • Moderator
    • 6923 posts
    September 14, 2022 5:35 AM EDT

    iframely does not include YouTube so you would need the YouTube API still. 


    The free BryZar has no limits and you don't need to host with BryZar to get it. https://community.socialengine.com/event/43/free-iframely-hosting . Hope that helps. We use it for all of our managed sites without issue.


    We have been looking for other options due to the YouTube API. But that's for future stuff.

    • 34 posts
    September 14, 2022 6:11 AM EDT

    The iframely I was using, from iframely.com, was working for youtube videos. So via BryZar it won't embed youtube videos? That's 99.9 percent of embeds...

    • Moderator
    • 6923 posts
    September 14, 2022 6:15 AM EDT

    It isn't a BryZar issue. We had to remove YouTube from the iframely because of client abuse in the past which caused the blockage of YouTube. As such, for now if you want YouTube, you also need the YouTube API. Iframely works for link sharing and all other video formats they provide with the exception of a bug in Vimeo which we are working on.

    We are working on a better solution for YouTube though and are looking at options other than iframely but for now it's what we have for a solution. The Youtube api does have free quota.

  • Les
    • 3 posts
    September 14, 2022 3:17 PM EDT

     You could always use open-source install @ https://github.com/itteco/iframely

    • Moderator
    • 6923 posts
    September 14, 2022 3:40 PM EDT

    It's not that simple. BryZar offers it for free, configured. As iframely requires nodejs and that is not something easy for some people to manage. That is what BryZar uses, the opensource, set up either for the free shared or the dedicated $2 per month. 

    But, if someone wants to deal with nodejs and setting up iframely, they are also free to do that.

    • 34 posts
    September 15, 2022 5:23 PM EDT

    I'm using BryZar's iframely now, and it works for me, including for youtube embeds (I'm running an older version of socialengine), BUT the thumbnails which "front" the clips aren't appearing. I imagine that this is something on the API end, given that until recently, using iframely.com, the thumbnails were appearing.

    • Moderator
    • 6923 posts
    September 15, 2022 5:29 PM EDT

    My site uses iframely from BryZar and we have thumbnails but I also use YouTube api. Maybe make sure your server has allow_url_fopen enabled. Sometimes that can cause the missing thumb issue.

    • 34 posts
    September 16, 2022 10:24 AM EDT

    allow_url_fopen is enabled but still no thumbs. Seems the only thing I'm doing differently from you now Donna is that I'm not using the youtube API. Apparently that's not as easy as just including a URL on the socialengine iframely page. Can code just be pasted in somewhere?

    • Moderator
    • 6923 posts
    September 16, 2022 12:04 PM EDT

    The YouTube api key is entered in the settings in the video plugin. If you don't see it, you would need to upgrade to at least the most current v5.

    • 34 posts
    September 23, 2022 11:35 AM EDT

    A question Donna: I'm running 4.10 ... can I download and install a version of the video plugin which will enable me to enter the youtube api key? Thank you!

    • Moderator
    • 6923 posts
    September 26, 2022 5:20 AM EDT

    I don't think a v6 plugin will work in v4. Your best option if you don't want to upgrade is to test on a development site.

    • 34 posts
    September 26, 2022 7:19 AM EDT

    Thanks yet again Donna! And yet another question:


    I bought SocialEngine in 2008. You almost certainly know that it was waaaaaaay different back then. I suggested important features to John, which were implemented, and reported (and suffered from) disastrous bugs, which got fixed.


    I don't want to do a general upgrade now because I'm running third-party software which is essential to what my site is about, and the developer of this software has gone out of business. This is a problem which I'm kicking down the road, and which will be dealt with after a million other things (I'm in Brazil, work with music, and am still suffering mightily consequences of the pandemic).


    Is it possible for me to get a v6 version of the video plugin under these circumstances?


    Thanks as always...

    • Moderator
    • 6923 posts
    September 27, 2022 7:47 AM EDT

    Let me try some tests on a local development site.

    • Moderator
    • 6923 posts
    September 27, 2022 8:04 AM EDT

    Ok that won't work. It needs an upgrade to work. The next best thing to do would be to replace the default thumbnail with something that looks better.


    I suggest making a nice image to replace the above thumbnail image. Just make it the same size and such.

    Then, when you can upgrade, you won't have issues with the thumbnails. Since you need to keep your plugins, you would need a custom upgrade when you do it.

    The other option is to have a developer do a custom fix to the video plugin for the thumbnail issue.