Feature To Resend Verification Email

    • 121 posts
    April 11, 2023 1:25 PM EDT


    Now I have searched this forum on this subject and found some posts from a couple of years or so back but from what I have read I don't think it was fully understood or discussed properly.

    But most websites I join have an option on the confirm email/verification page after joining have an option with either a button or link to resend the verification email if they did not receive it.

    The image below are just some random examples I found:

    At the moment if users do not receive the email for some reason what do they do? It has happened to me before on other sites, not very often but in my experience this option has worked for me!

    The below image is the default SE confirm page after signing up and as you can see there is no option for this:

    I have searched the ACP in SE and cannot find an option for this but I do think it is a good feature to have?

    • Moderator
    • 6923 posts
    April 13, 2023 6:36 AM EDT

    I know that admin can resend the verification email but we don't have a setting yet for the user to be able to resend it. Thanks for posting your feature request. I think along with this we also need a way to purge users who have not verified their emails. To help reduce database size and such. Thoughts?

    This post was edited by socialenginestaff at April 13, 2023 6:37 AM EDT
    • 57 posts
    April 13, 2023 8:07 AM EDT

    Well i think the best in this case is to just copy and paste existing solutions out there - it is very basic to be able to resend a verification email almost everywhere.

    • 131 posts
    April 14, 2023 10:19 AM EDT

    Thanks Mark for your feature request.  Without new members not having the ability to have their verification email sent again, I can see the potential issue.  Of course they can reach out to admin in a contact form for assistance, but it would be great to have that resend feature available as most new members tend to get frustrated and move on when a website is missing a helpful feature.

    Donna, I also like your suggestion of having the ability to purge users with unverified emails. 

    Thanks, Scandi for you input.