I have experienced some difficulty some times with the TinyMCE editor, I don't think it's necessarily a bug, just an old version.
After looking at the "licence.txt" in the "/externals/" folder it appears that the current version is to quote:
[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts
as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence
the version number 2.1.]
TinyMCE is now up to version number 6.4.2 and this is the free version (I have downloaded it!). Surely by now we should have an up to date version?
You can find the full details here: https://www.tiny.cloud/get-tiny/
I am not the only one to experience problems with the editor, I have spoken to someone else who seems to have problems and maybe the root cause of the editor not saving "title" attribute as in my bug report:
Kind regards,
Mark, thank you so much for posting about your experience with TinyMCE.
I have been struggling with the TinyMCE post editor working properly since last fall. I would also appreciate any attention towards any updating or whatever TinyMCE needs to work with SE like it used too.
This is something I had already added to our list before. Thanks for posting to check on it.
Thank you, Donna for your update! We appreciate you!