difference between verification email and other emails in SE

    • 47 posts
    June 30, 2023 1:03 AM EDT

    Hello everyone,

    We have a weird situation with our SE 6.4.1. Emails from inside SE come very fine. For example if a new business page is created in our Business Pages plugin, a notification email is sent without a problem to admin. Also, if I send email to members from Announcement panel in admin, it also sends the email (although in HTML format!), but when a new user tries to sign up, no verification email is sent at all. No error log is produced. We have tried 3 different mail services that already worked with our lower SE versions, and also tried php mail command, but non of them worked. 

    My question is: What is the difference between verification email and other emails in SE? 

    If anybody can help us on this, that would be a great help. 

    • Moderator
    • 6923 posts
    June 30, 2023 4:57 AM EDT

    More than likely the emails are going to spam. Did you make sure to change the default email template for the verification emails? It's one of our tips for better mail delivery. Here's how to change them, https://community.socialengine.com/blogs/597/34/mail-templates . Hopefully that helps.

    • 47 posts
    June 30, 2023 4:25 PM EDT

    Thanks Donna, 

    I'm quite sure that they don't go to spam (checked several times). I didn't understand what you mean by changing the default email template for verification emails. I have inserted a screenshot of that page here. Please take a look. 

    One question is raised: Does Two-Step Authentication override the "Email Verification"? I mean when a user completes the "Create Profile" step, they will be redirected to "Verify Code (two step authentication)"  page even if I have enabled the Verify Email option.