Enlarging photo in forum topics

    • 186 posts
    March 16, 2024 8:50 AM EDT


    We use a lot of pictures in forums topics for users examination. It could be a kind of the test of some concept, or smth like that. In this case we need a picture to be enlarged, to increase its scale (for example, if you open some jpeg from your computer using web browser you usually have a tool - magnifying glass) that you can use to increase the scale. It could be enlarged to the original size for example.

    But when we add a photo to a topic there is no such possibility even if the original photo has a good resolution. It's like the photo is cropped to some resolution and even if you download it or try to open in a new tab it will be too small (too far from the original size and resolution). I found the way how to deal with this temporarily but I wonder if we can change some site features (maybe CMS settings) so that it would allow us to enlarge photos directly from topic posts? 

    My temporary solution is the following. I upload the photos from admin panel to files and then when I create a topic post I add the link to this photo. In this case user can click on the link and photo will be opened in a new tab and there it would be a tool to enlarge it. But this solution is not very good because I need to have an access to admin panel. And I need to be able to post such photos in topics without having access to admin panel. 


    • Moderator
    • 104 posts
    March 19, 2024 4:17 AM EDT

    Hello Katya,


    Thank you for your insights on the photo feature. I have added this to our Feature Request section.

    We will work on this soon and update you.