Layout Editor for Landing Page Rearranging Blocks "By Itself"!

    • 35 posts
    August 26, 2024 2:34 PM EDT

    After closing the Layout Editor and re-opening it, the (HTML, Rich Text, etc) blocks are all out of order. This first happened after a blackout here, after energy was restored. I re-opened the editor and there was chaos!

    Assuming it was hopefully a one-time thing caused by the blackout, I put the blocks back in order (there are 65 of them, so it's time-consuming and tedious), and lo! and behold, after closing the page and re-opening it, they were all out of order again. Or rather, they seem to be in the same undesired "new" order.

    This only happens to the landing page.

    ? good people?

    • 270 posts
    August 26, 2024 2:43 PM EDT

    Just to exclude the obvious, are you clicking "save layout"?


    I'm not using 6.6. yet so can't test/help otherwise.

    • 35 posts
    August 26, 2024 3:37 PM EDT

    Oh yeah, I"m saving the layout. I've been using SocialEngine since 2008. I'm using an old version, 4.10.2. I'll upgrade one of these days but upgrading will require a lot of work and all my time is devoted to the project my network is built around.

    It seems to be that this out-of-order order somehow got into the database...the correct order gets saved, and then it reverts to the out-of-order order, as reflected on the layout page anyway, ready to be saved. So I make some small change, and I have to put everything back in the correct order, and then save. What should take 30 seconds takes half an hour.

    Thanks for replying!

    • 35 posts
    August 26, 2024 4:15 PM EDT

    I purged my Cloudflare cache and that resolved it.