Hey all
I am attempting to set my groups (stock SE groups) to not be open to the public. When I go to member level settings in the groups plugin everything is fine with all levels except public. When I attempt to goto the Public section I am getting a 500 error and in the error log nothing is showing. I am seeing a few things in the warning log though.
Can someone else give this a try on their install and let me know if its just me.
Are you referring to the ML Settings in Groups Plugin?
When I select Yes or No for 'Allow Viewing of Groups', I am able to save with no errors for both options. You might be on a newer version than me though (4.09.04p4) so this may be of no help
Are you using the latest release?
https://community.socialengine.com/forums/topic/549/social-engine-php-4-10-1-released the bug fix mentioned there for that is working fine for me on 4.10.2. I tested on my live test site.
Yes I am on the latest version 4.10.2
Is there a way I can reinstall the update? Maybe it did not install correctly
Upgrading to 4.10.3 fixed it... weird!
Ok it must have not upgraded fully to 4.10.2 perhaps. Glad it's fixed now.