Community Posting Rules

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    • Moderator
    • 6923 posts
    August 17, 2018 8:18 AM EDT

    We're so happy to have you here! Our hope is to build a great community for SocialEngine enthusiasts. We want you to feel at home here. Connect with other clients, experts, general SocialEngine enthusiasts, and our staff to build strong relationships. We feel that this environment built on SocialEngine PHP will help foster a more close-knit relationship for all who take part in it. With a strong community, our clients, experts and SocialEngine enthusiasts will have a better foundation on which to build their communities and businesses.

    We do need to add some legalities in order to make this a great community for all. In addition to our Terms of Service you agree that by being a member here, you will follow these posting rules when posting in our forum.

    We expect everyone to act civilly here. We've created the SocialEngine community forum to help clients learn to use the SocialEngine script, create and administer their websites and to find developers for customizations they might need.

    • Avatars that use the SocialEngine logo are only allowed by SocialEngine staff.
    • Display names that look like official staff are only allowed by staff. (Admin, SiteAdmin, SocialEngine, SE Admin, etc)
    • Code must be wrapped in code tags by using the button for that, found next to the smiley button. It is the {;} button.
    • Members that choose Client or Expert member levels and are not actually clients or experts will be removed without notice. If you chose the wrong member level on sign up, please contact a site administrator, or use our contact link in the footer, to request to be moved into the correct member level.
    • No bashing allowed. If you have a problem with another member, please settle it in private message or refrain from interacting with that member.
    • Vendetta posting is not allowed and will be removed or edited without notice. 
    • No vulgar language, no pornographic images or references to them.
    • Piracy, copyright infringement, nulled scripts, etc are against policy.If you post links to piracy sites or if you post any material that you don't own the rights to, you can be banned.
    • Any posts ridiculing this site, its content, or its members will be removed and the member posting such will be banned.
    • No Spamming posts or emails! Do not post the same post over and over in different threads (or in the same thread), or spam our members in private messages. Private message spamming will result in immediate ban. Post spamming will result in the posts being removed and you will be notified. If it happens a second time, your account will be suspended.
    • Any user that disrupts the community will be removed without notice and banned from further interaction here.
    • This private forum is a privilege and not a right. We reserve the right to remove any post or person from the community for any reason; or edit any posts or profiles that do not conform to the posted rules.
    • No posts advertising your products or services are allowed without prior consent. This means no creating an advertising thread except as stated for the SocialEngine store. You can respond to a client asking for help with a response that you offer a service they are asking about or a customization. It is ok to then post your support email or support link. NOT a sales link to a product not in the store or to your sales desk.
    • Posts or answers to threads with links to products not in the SocialEngine store is not allowed.
    • No solicitation of our members is allowed. If our members contact you for services you offer, great. However, our members are NOT to be solicited for services you offer unless they contact you for it first. This is to respect our members' privacy. Immediate ban will result from this activity, no warnings will be issued.
    • Posting in the "Store Scoop" section is only for SocialEngine store product listings. No other products can be posted there. Please link to the product in our store.

    You acknowledge that by participating in this private forum that you've read and agree to all of the above rules and that SocialEngine staff can remove or edit posts as they see fit.

    This post was edited by socialenginestaff at February 21, 2019 5:45 AM EST