
Admin Billing, gateway, settings, transactions.PHP4.9.4p1

Hi Donna.Its ok.. its not a major problem as it does not effect the running of the site. I can just have free membership until issue is resolved. its just annoying more than anything.
just on a database enquiry. I know I'm a bit of a numpty but I cant...  more

Admin Billing, gateway, settings, transactions.PHP4.9.4p1

Thanks for posting that.
Are you using Paypal?
Is it in "test mode" which is only set via database?
Do you have support with us? If not, I can try testing on my own local site.

Back up questions

Basically, just use ftp and download everything from public_html to a directory on your computer. In addition to exporting the entire .sql file of your database periodically. If you use multiple external hard drives, preferably two, you will have...  more

How to Uninvite an email address

Hey GS. I have a dirty hack you could use to get around all of these problems.
1. Navigate to Engine4Invites in your database. Best way is to use php My Admin. There you can cancel invitations by removing the email address.
2. The same database table...  more

Upgraded SEPHP 4.9.3 to 4.9.4p1 No Issues

I post these in case they help anyone. I upgraded my live site over the weekend (my demo had been upgraded already). I always wait on the live site so I can fully backup the site files and database and I like to test on a development clone.
1. Upgraded...  more

How to Uninvite an email address

All of 1-3 would be via database as I don't see those features. Item 4 would be a customization or check for a third party plugin in case one is already there. Perhaps there is a plugin that covers items 1-4.

How to Reset Members Count in Admin Dashboard

Great tips. Thanks
We strongly recommend doing a complete backup of your database before making any changes to it. One wrong move and you could wipe out all of your hard work. 

How to add Specific Question Types

I don't know of any way to reuse it as it maps to the specific question.  I guess you could experiment on a development site and see if it breaks anything to reuse it via database changes. There is most likely a plugin in the marketplace by a third...  more

Client and Expert Accounts Please Read

We check each client and expert to ensure they are in our client or expert database. We use the email address. If you didn't use the correct email address to sign up, this can result in you getting banned or deleted due to our terms. We are doing this in...  more

Roadmap for SEPHP 4.10!

Stepan said:
I really like the new features and enhancements. I also have a question about smileys, could you provide more information about it? Why not convert database to utf8mb4 and use emojis?

I have no idea how he's coding it. I just know we...  more