
Roadmap for SEPHP 4.10!

I really like the new features and enhancements. I also have a question about smileys, could you provide more information about it? Why not convert database to utf8mb4 and use emojis?

Deleting old plugins

raised on github and marked as accepted, wondered if update? wondered if any plans for SE to add a feature that will fully remove plugins and their database entries into MySQL
I was...  more

browse Members Does Not Show Member Count

 I believe this is an optimization. It works if you click Search when on the browse page. This reduces database queries. Imagine a site with 100k users. Before, going to the member browse would immediately do a query to the database to get all users...  more

Auto-pre-load of Tab Content - required or up to Dev?

So for example, if you have 10 tabs each with 10 items in it, then obviously http requests and database access is required at some point for the Content in the Tabs.  That's a lot of http requests and database access just for one page load...  more