
How to re enable local storage

While setting up Amazon S3 storage service, I set it to default and thought I needed to disable local storage as well.  But when I disabled local storage, the entire site is no longer working.  Is this settings stored in the database or a...  more

Cannot sign in during fresh install of SE v5.3.2.

18-Nov-2020 22:16:38 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli_Exception: Access denied for user '*****'@'localhost' to database '*****' in /home/virch930/public_html/application/libraries/Zend/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php:340
Stack trace:
#0...  more

Sandbox mode with SE?

Not sure if I am explaining this correctly. Is it possible for my developer to create a sandbox to setup my SEPHP install and add all the 3rd party plugins and customizations using my actual domain so my databases are properly setup? If I use a subdomain...  more

error log

No because they modify source and tables. You need to check with them first to see if there are modifications and whether the issues are coming from plugins that need updating to work in PHP 7.2. Also, double check the database as many hosts these days...  more

database development site or local development

ive searched the threads but can't seem to find the answer.
I want to move my site to a subdomain for testing but want to point to a different database so I don't mess up my live site.
Where is it, that points the site to a particular DB?
Im going...  more

database development site or local development

ive searched the threads but can't seem to find the answer.
I want to move my site to a subdomain for testing but want to point to a different database so I don't mess up my live site.
Where is it, that points the site to a particular DB?
Im going...  more

error log

What version of SEPHP do you have? What version of PHP is on your server? Are you using mysqli or something else for the database?