Activity Feed Settings

  • The “Activity Feed” is an auto-updating list of actions that have recently occurred on your social network. This information is displayed (by default) on members' home page. Also, each member's own personal activity list will be displayed on their profile page.

    Activity Feed Settings

    The “Activity Feed Settings” page allows you to configure certain options for your activity feed. To reach this page, in your Admin panel navigate to Settings > Activity Feed Settings. Be sure to “Save Changes” when done changing settings.

    Overall Feed Length

    Enter the number of items you want the main activity feed to display by default. Note that members will still be able to click the "View More" button at the bottom of the feed to see additional feed items.

    Item Limit Per User

    It's important to have a nice mix of items from various members on your social network. You can set a limit for the number of items published by each member at any given time. For smaller social networks, a higher number of published items per member might be more appropriate.

    Post Feed Character Limit

    This setting allows you to set a character limit for activity feed posts. The field must contain an integer between 1 and 9999, or 0 for unlimited.

    Update Frequency

    The application connects to your server (using AJAX) every few seconds to check if there are any new updates to the activity feed. This option allows you to decide how often you want this process to occur. A shorter amount of time will consume more server resources. If your server is experiencing slowdown issues, try lowering the frequency the application checks for updates.

    Item Deletion

    If you set this option to "Yes,” your members will be allowed to delete the feed items that they published. If you set this option to “No,” only moderators and admins will be able to delete items from the feed.

    Feed Content

    This option allows you to decide which actions a member sees when they look at the recent activity feed. You can select between "All Members", "My Friends & Networks", or "My Friends". For smaller networks, it may make more sense to show recent actions from "All Members" so the feed is populated with more content.

    Status Box Options

    These settings allow you to choose whether members can use smileys/emoticons, hashtags and user mentions in the status box. The smiley/emoticons option allows members to choose from smileys/emoticons that show in a popup box. The user mention feature allows your members to tag their friends with “@” and the username such as @chiefevangelist. The hashtag feature allows your members to use hashtags, with the “#” symbol similar to Twitter, in the activity feed status and comments. Note that hashtags also be generated from content such as Blogs in the “tag” input fields. Click here to learn how to add, edit or remove emoticons

    Item Publishing Option

    If you set this option to "Yes,” your members will be able to choose which of their activity feed items get published. This gives your users a greater freedom to protect their privacy, but may result in fewer items getting published. Setting this option to "no" will prevent your users from being able to choose which of their feed items are published.

    Posts Privacy Options

    You can set which privacy options members can select from when posting. Do you want to enable users to share their updates with desired Networks. This setting allows your members to choose which network(s) see their post.

    Comment Sorting Order

    You can choose to sort comments by “Chronological” or “Reverse chronological” order.

    Activity Feed Item Type Settings

    The “Activity Feed Item Type Settings” page link is found at the bottom of the description of the “Activity Feed Settings” just above the settings list. The “Activity Feed Item Type Settings” page allows you to configure where and how individual item types are published.


    Start by selecting the plugin whose feed items you want to modify from the drop-down list. This list will contain all of the plugins with feed settings available on your network.

    Action Feed Item

    The Action Feed Item is where the list of available feed settings will be for this plugin. Choose the setting that you want to change from the drop down selection. An example is “Likes” on a Photo:

    **Note: SocialEngine also allows you to control how comments for an item work with the feed via the above drop down selection and settings described below.


    Once you've selected a feed item, you can choose whether the item is enabled or disabled. A disabled item will not be published anywhere, including the main feed AND the member's profile.


    You can choose between several options regarding whether an item in the activity feed can be shared. Choosing “No” will not show a share link for the item. You can choose to either allow users to share an activity feed item’s “attachment,” “subject,” “object” or “activity.”

    “Attachment” is the actual item itself such as the photo that was shared to an album.

    “Subject” is the member that posted the item.

    “Object” is the album that the photo is in, for example.

    “Activity” is the activity feed item itself.


    This option allows you to decide which feeds you want the activity feed item to be displayed in. The “Main Feed” represents the main "What's New" feed on your member homepage. You will likely want most activity feed items to be published to that feed. The “Subject's Profile Feed” is almost always the profile of the member performing the action, while the “Object's Profile Feed” is the member whose profile, album, etc. is being acted upon. The subject and object are listed in the activity feed item, such as "When a user (subject) posts a message to another user's profile (object),” Not all activity feed items have an object - for example, "When a user (subject) logs in." has only a subject.