The Blogs Plugin page allows you to manage all of the Blogs in your community, determine the Global Settings and Member Level Settings for your community, and manage Categories for Blogs.
You can reach the Blog settings area in your Admin panel by navigating to Plugins > Blogs.
The “View Blogs” tab shows all of the Blogs in your community.
To view a Blog, click on the "view" link under "Options" for the Blog that you want to view. You will then be redirected to the Blog.
You can delete an individual Blog by clicking the "delete" link on the right side of each row under the "Options" column.
You can choose to delete multiple blogs at once by using the checkboxes on the left side of the table and the "Delete Selected" button at the bottom. Checking the checkbox in the blue title bar will select all of the checkboxes on the list below it.
To get to this page, click on the "Global Settings" tab.
Entries per Page
You can set how many blogs will be shown per page by entering a number in the input box and clicking “Save Changes” when done.
Make unauthorized blogs searchable?
Setting this will allow private blogs to be found by search. If set to no, blogs that are not authorized for the current user will not be displayed in the blog search results and widgets.
These settings are applied on a per Member Level basis. Start by selecting the Member Level that you want to modify, then adjust the settings for that level. To get to this page, click on the "Member Level Settings" tab.
Select the Member Level that you want to edit.
Decide whether the selected Member Level is allowed to view, create, edit, delete, and comment on Blogs.
The "Yes, allow members to view all blogs, even private ones" option is only available for the moderator/admin/super admin Member Levels. This option will allow members of this level to see all of the Blogs on the site no matter what level of privacy the Blog has been set to. Selecting the "Yes, allow viewing of blogs" will allow members of this level to view all Blogs that they have access to based on each Blog’s privacy settings.. Selecting the "No, do not allow blogs to be viewed." option will not allow members of this level to view any Blog pages or see the Blogs menu item in any menus on the site.
You can limit the ability of the selected Member Level from being able to create Blogs.
The "Yes, allow creation of blogs" will allow members of this level to create Blogs. Selecting the "No, do not allow blogs to be created" option will not allow the members of this level to create any Blogs.
You can decide whether the members of the selected Member Level are allowed to edit Blogs.
The "Yes, allow members to edit everyone's blogs" will only appear for moderators/admins/super admin Member Levels. Selecting this option will allow members of this level to edit any Blog as they see fit. The "Yes, allow members to edit their own blogs" will only allow members of this level to edit the Blogs that they have created. Selecting the "No, do not allow blogs to be edited option" will not allow the members of this level to edit any Blogs.
You can decide whether the members of the selected Member Level are allowed to delete Blogs.
The "Yes, allow members to delete all blogs" will only appear for moderators/admins/super admin Member Levels. Selecting this option will allow members of this level to delete any Blog as they see fit. The "Yes, allow members to delete their own blogs" will only allow members of this level to delete the Blogs that they have created. Selecting the "No, do not allow members to delete their blogs." will not allow the members of this level to delete any Blogs.
You can decide whether the members of the selected Member Level are allowed to comment on items in Blogs.
The "Yes, allow members to comment on all blogs, including private ones" will only appear for moderators/admins/super admin type Member Levels. Selecting this option will allow members of this level to comment on any Blog as they see fit. The "Yes, allow members to comment on blogs" will only allow members of this level to comment on Blogs that they have access to. Selecting the "No, do not allow members to comment on blogs." will not allow the members of this level to comment on any Blogs.
The “Blog Entry Privacy” setting allows you to select which options to give to your members in terms of who can view their Blog entries.
If you select more than one option, the selected options will appear in the member's “Add Entry” or “Edit Entry” page.
If you do not select any options, the member will not have a "Blog Entry Privacy" section and will not be able to make any selections. In this case, the “Blog Entry Privacy” setting will be whatever was last selected before disabling the options.
If you select only one of these options, that will be the default “Blog Entry Privacy” setting for your community and the member will not have any “Blog Entry Privacy” options to select as seen above.
The “Blog Comment Options” are much like the previous “Blog Entry Privacy”; however, they apply to which members are allowed to comment on the Blog entries.
Set whether to allow members to set Network Privacy for their blogs.
You can allow members to use custom CSS styles in their Blog Entries for a more personalized feel.
NOTE: the default system restricts members from creating and using “div” and “id” tags to prevent members from accidentally ruining the site's layout/theme.
By default the ability to enter any HTML in comments is disabled. If you would like to allow a member to use HTML in their comments, you will need to list the tags that you would like to allow in the field below. An example would be: a, b, img, font, etc. Use this setting with caution as it can allow members to post nefarious code. We recommend you only set this for trusted Member Levels.
NOTE: there is still a pre-programmed list in the source code that limits the allowed HTML tags in an entry. If you would like to see the list of forbidden tags, please refer to the /application/libraries/Engine/Filter/Html.php file. These tags were forbidden to prevent the corruption of the site's styling; however, if you would like to take any of the tags off the list, you are more than welcome to at your own risk.
You can set the “Maximum Allowed Blog Entries” per member by entering a number in the input field. This can be a good tool to control spam on the site by setting it low for new members and higher for other Member Levels.
Enter the maximum number of blog entries allowed for the selected duration (per minute / per hour / per day) for members of this level. The field must contain an integer between 1 and 9999, or 0 for unlimited.
A great way to personalize your site is by creating Categories. This allows your members to organize their Blogs with others of similar subject matter. In order to get to the Categories page, click on the "Categories" tab.
If you have no Categories, your members will not be given the option of assigning a Category. Categories can help members find similar content easier; can help with SEO; and can help make a niche site more unique for its members.
To edit a Category Name, click on the "edit" link under the "Options" column for the Category whose name you want to change.
It will open a popup just like the one used to create a Category. When you have finished making your changes to the Category Name, click on "Edit Category" to save your changes.
To delete a Category, click on the "delete" link under the "Options" column for the Category that you want to delete.
It will open a popup asking if you are sure you want to delete the following Category. To delete the Category, click on the "Delete" button.