Recent Entries

  • Installing SocialEngine PHP

    Only available for SocialEngine PHP self hosted. Before proceeding with this tutorial, please ensure that your server meets the minimum requirements required for SocialEngine for the version you are installing, you have a valid SocialEngine license, FTP access to your server and access to...
  • Making and Restoring Backups

    Backing up your SocialEngine website is one of the most important steps that you can take to ensure the integrity and longevity of your SocialEngine website. Whether you're installing a new plugin or theme, upgrading to the latest version, or customizing SocialEngine's code, you should backup your w...
  • Welcome to SocialEngine!

    SocialEngine is social network software that helps you build your own customized community websites. Whether you have a pre-existing site that you want to socially layer, or just an idea for a really great social network, SocialEngine can help you realize your dream. Below are some links that will h...