Recent Entries

  • Abuse Reports

    Abuse reports may be submitted by members to flag content as spam, abuse, inappropriate, licensed material, or other reasons that may need the attention of an administrator. Members will often encounter content before admins will, so this system makes it easier to remove offensive content as quickly...
  • Email All Members

    Using this form, you will be able to email all of your members. Emails are sent out using a queue system, so they will be sent out over time. Once this completes, you will receive a notification email stating that all of the emails have been sent out. This is a great way for to you message all of yo...
  • SocialEngine 6.0.0 Change Log

    SocialEngine 6.0.0 Update List: This is a major version update. Everything has updates to it. Please do a full upgrade if upgrading. README.html php version change application/index.php Not able to convert mode to Production with one click Maintance mode issue solved application...
  • Announcements

    Announcements are a great way to keep your members engaged in the community. You’ll find Announcements inside the "Announcement Widget", which you can place anywhere on your site. By default, this widget appears at the top of the member homepage - this way, members see your announcements right...
  • Networks

    Networks are generally used for determining what members see in the "what's new" feed, letting members associate with each other based on common profile information (without needing to be friends directly), and serving advertisements to specific groups of members. Each member can join on...
  • Member Levels

    Member Levels can be used to give certain members more privileges than others. You can grant/restrict a Member Level's access to features and sections of the community. You can also assign levels that have moderation or administrative capabilities. Additionally, using the Subscriptions feature, you ...
  • Members

    The Manage Members page of your admin panel allows you to edit, delete, approve, and promote your SocialEngine users. To get to the Manage Members page, navigate to Manage > Members. As you can see from the screenshot below, the Manage Members page is comprised of a list of all of the members ...
  • Enable/Disable Production or Development Mode

    SocialEngine provides you with the option to put your site into either “Development Mode” or “Production Mode.”  In “Development Mode,” errors are visible on the page, making it much easier to debug. Caching is also turned off, so any changes you make are vi...
  • How to Access the Admin Panel

    The SocialEngine Admin area is where you’ll manage all aspects of your community. In our various tutorials, you’ll see us refer to the Admin area as the Admin Panel. This video and the following tutorial will show you two ways to access your Admin panel. Here are some written out inst...
  • SocialEngine PHP 5.9.1 and 5.9.2 Change Log

    SocialEngine PHP 5.9.1 Update List: The following are updated with this release. SocialEngine PHP Core Blog Event List of Changed Files application/modules/Core/controllers/AdminMailController.php Fixed for admin email application/modules/Core/externals/scripts/create_edit_category...
  • Performing Upgrades

    Only available for SocialEngine PHP self hosted. This article will help you to upgrade your SocialEngine installation and troubleshoot some common problems associated with upgrades. Backup your installation first Before performing an upgrade, make a backup of your SocialEngine files and database....
  • Package and Plugin Installation

    SocialEngine PHP comes with a Package Manager that allows you to easily install your plugins straight from your SocialEngine admin panel. Packages are a group of files that can be modules, plugins, widgets, themes, or even language packs. Through this Package Manager, you will be able to install new...