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  • Polls Plugin Widgets

    The following widgets list shows which pages or sections they work on. If a page or section is not listed under a widget, it will not work in that area. Home Poll Contact Page Landing Page Invite Page Forgot Password Page Hashtag Results Page Member Browse Page Member Home Pa...
  • Music Plugin Widgets

    The following widgets list shows which pages or sections they work on. If a page or section is not listed under a widget, it will not work in that area. Home Playlist Contact Page Landing Page Invite Page Forgot Password Page Hashtag Results Page Member Browse Page Member Hom...
  • Messages Widgets

    The following widgets list shows which pages or sections they work on. If a page or section is not listed under a widget, it will not work in that area. Messages Menu Contact Page Landing Page Invite Page Forgot Password Page Hashtag Results Page Member Browse Page Member Hom...
  • Hashtag Widgets

    The following widgets list shows which pages or sections they work on. If a page or section is not listed under a widget, it will not work in that area. Search Hashtags Contact Page Landing Page Invite Page Forgot Password Page Hashtag Results Page Member Browse Page Member H...
  • Groups Plugin Widgets

    The following widgets list shows which pages or sections they work on. If a page or section is not listed under a widget, it will not work in that area. Group Browse Menu Contact Page Landing Page Invite Page Forgot Password Page Hashtag Results Page Member Browse Page Member...
  • Forum Plugin Widgets

    The following widgets list shows which pages or sections they work on. If a page or section is not listed under a widget, it will not work in that area. Forum Browse Search       Profile Forum Posts Member Profile     Profi...
  • Event Plugin Widgets

    The following widget list shows which pages or sections they work on. If a page or section is not listed under a widget, it will not work in that area. Event Browse Menu Contact Page Landing Page Invite Page Forgot Password Page Hashtag Results Page Member Browse Page Member ...
  • Classifieds, Travel, Business and Employment Plugin Widgets

    The following widgets list shows which pages or sections they work on. If a page or section is not listed under a widget, it will not work in that area. Since the Classifieds, Travel, Business and Employment plugins have the same structure, the widget placements will be the same. Below, we use the C...
  • Chat Plugin Widget

    The following widget list shows which pages or sections they work on. If a page or section is not listed under a widget, it will not work in that area. Chat Box Contact Page Invite Page Forgot Password Page Hashtag Results Page Member Browse Page Member Home Page Member Profi...
  • Blog Plugin Widgets

    The following widgets list shows which pages or sections they work on. If a page or section is not listed under a widget, it will not work in that area. Blog Browse Menu Contact Page Landing Page Invite Page Forgot Password Page Hashtag Results Page Member Browse Page Member ...
  • Photo Album Plugin Widgets

    The following widgets list shows which pages or sections they work on. If a page or section is not listed under a widget, it will not work in that area. Album Browse Menu Contact Page Landing Page Invite Page Forgot Password Page Hashtag Results Page Member Browse Page Member...
  • Creating a New Page

    Creating custom pages can help you make your site unique for your users and guests. SocialEngine PHP provides you tools that make the process simple to create custom pages and add them to your menu.This article shows you how to create new pages from the Layout Editor in your admin panel. Creating t...