Harmony Theme

  • The Harmony Theme has special settings and configurations allowing you more control over the design of your site. 


    When working with Harmony, it's very important to enable development mode after changing any settings for this theme. We recommend that you enable and then immediately disable development mode after doing any changes for this theme. 

    Harmony has a "Custom CSS" section to allow for CSS changes that you need to make. This allows you to make changes that won't be impacted by upgrades. Please read the full tutorial below before making any changes.

    Step-by-step guide

    Some settings below are only for specific landing page designs.

    You'll need to be logged into your Admin Panel.

    1. Navigate to "Harmony Theme."

    Global Settings

    Set Landing Page of Harmony Theme

    You have a choice for your guest landing page design and layout. To enable, click the bubble to the left of the choice and save changes when done.

    The following screenshot is for the default style. 

    Landing Page

    Landing page gives a layout with various widgets, a banner and widgets for custom text and images as well as a different footer layout with links, logo and more.

    The Banner, Features, Counter Section, Landing Page Mobile Apps, and other various widgets are controlled via the Layout Editor. Click "Edit" to edit one of the widgets or click "x" to remove. 

    Landing Page Banner Widget
    You can edit the landing page banner widget to change the banners and height. You need to have uploaded a banner in order to choose one. The default height is 450px. There must be at least one banner image for this widget to show. You can also edit the caption and description that shows with the banner. This screenshot shows just one of the three available banner image selections with heading, description, and CTA button text & link.

    Landing Page Features Widget

    The landing page features are the text and image widgets seen in the "Unlock the Magic of Our Remarkable Feature" banner. Edit the widget to change each as you want it.

    Landing Page Counter Widget
    You can change the Title, CTA button text & link, and Font Awesome icon for this widget. You can also edit each counter value and caption.


    Landing Page Service Widget
    You can edit the Title of this widget, and also edit the Services title, description and Font Awesome icon.

    Landing Page CTA Section

    You can edit this widget to change the Caption, Description, and CTA button text & link.

    Landing Page How Our Community Works?

    Edit this widget to change the Title and an image to show on the left side. You can also edit the each sections Caption, Description, and Image.

    Landing Page Mobile Apps Section Widget

    You can add your mobile apps links to your website, edit this widget to add the heading, description and your mobile apps links for this widget. You can also choose an image to show with the mobile apps section.

    Header Options for Logged in Members

    Choose the header options for members that are logged in by checking or unchecking the boxes to the left of each selection.

    Header Options for Non-Logged in Members

    Choose the header options for guests by checking or unchecking the boxes to the left of each selection.

    Logo In Header 

    Choose your default logo. You'll need to have uploaded one in the File & Media manager first.

    Logo In Header (Contrast Mode)

    Choose a logo for contrast mode. In case your default logo isn't looking good in contrast mode. You can also choose the same logo you chose for the default logo.

    Widget Corner Radius

    Enter the radius of widgets on your website. The default radius value is 10px.

    Show Accessibility Options

    This allows you to choose whether to show the accessibility options or not. Please note that most areas now require websites to be handicap accessible. If not accessible, there can be hefty fines in some areas. Please check with the laws in your area before disabling this.

    Main Menus Count

    You can enter the count of main menus which you want to show before "More" dropdown menu occurs.
    Footer Settings 

    You can configure your footer features via the settings here.

    Enable Logo In Footer 

    You can enable and disable the logo in footer from this setting.

    Logo In Footer

    Choose a footer logo for your website. You need to have uploaded one in the File & Media manager.

    Logo In Footer (Contrast Mode)

    Choose a logo for contrast mode. In case your default logo isn't looking good in contrast mode. You can also choose the same logo you chose for the default logo.

    Footer Background Photo

    Choose a footer background photo if you want one. You need to have uploaded one in the File & Media manager.

    Footer Background Photo (Contrast Mode)

    Choose a photo for contrast mode. In case your default photo isn't looking good in contrast mode. You can also choose the same photo you chose for the default photo.

    Description In Footer

    This is the description that shows in the footer left column.

    Enable Explore Links

    Do you want to enable explore links to your preferred links in the footer?

    If you choose Yes, then the menu items will display links which have been configured from your Menu Editor.

    Enable Footer Menu Links

    Do you want to enable the default footer menu links in the footer?

    If you choose Yes, then the menu items will display links which have been configured in your Menu Editor.

    Enable Social Site Links Menu

    Do you want to enable the social site menu links in the footer?

    If you choose Yes, then the menu items will display links which have been configured in your Menu Editor.

    About Us Location

    Enter the About Us Location. You can put any text here. It does not generate a map link so you can even get creative. 

    About Us Email

    Enter the About us email.

    About Us Phone Number

    Enter the About Us Phone Number.

    Color Schemes

    You can choose from three color schemes or make your own. Click the "Color Schemes" tab to view the choices. Note that in order to make color changes you'll want to create a custom theme (see below).

    Choose a color by clicking it and clicking "Save Changes.
    Create a new theme by clicking "Add New Custom Theme." (Recommended if you want to change colors and other CSS or the theme layouts.)

    Enter the new theme name and choose which theme to clone. Save changes when done by clicking "Create." Activate the theme by clicking on it and saving changes. Don't forget to change to Development mode and then back to Production mode in order to see changes on your site.

    Manage Fonts

    You can configure the font settings for this theme on your website. You can also choose to enable Google Fonts or use web safe fonts. Also, you can change the fonts sizes. Click the "Manage Fonts" tab to configure your fonts. Be sure to save it after.


    Custom CSS

    Harmony theme has a special section for you to add custom CSS for items that can't be changed in the Color Schemes section. This helps to prevent any issues with upgrading and allows you easier access to change CSS for your site. See below for an example of changing CSS.
    Example of Changing CSS
    We recommend using browser tools to find your CSS, such as Inspect (right click in chrome and choose Inspect):
    Using the above tool, let's see how to change the hashtag CSS for the Trending Hashtag widget. Perhaps we want to make it stand out more.
    Using the Inspect tool, we can find the CSS. Right click on the hashtag and choose Inspect.
    You'll see the CSS details in the bottom of the page, in the inspect tool, on the right:
    Copy the code:
    And paste it into the input box in the Custom CSS page:
    We want to change the text color so we need to add the following as well as a closing curly brace:
    .layout_core_hashtags_cloud ul > li > a {
    color: #2817bd;
    Save it and be sure to enable/disable development mode. You should see the following:


    Remember to enable and disable development mode after making any changes!